There’s something I’m noticing a lot these days. People with small voices in their head asking very fundamental questions. What am I actually doing here? Does my life have any meaning? Do I really want to keep living the way I do now? Do I really want to work the way I do now? If not, is […]
Since the beginning of 2024 I’ve experienced a strong rise in creative energy. It feels to me as if we have more power to shape the future than ever before. This makes it very important for me to pay attention to where I put my energy. If I focus on what’s wrong with the world, […]
One of the biggest issues I see among business owners and leaders who genuinely care about people and planet is that you ignore your personal challenges and problems. You work so hard to make life better for others that you don’t have time or energy to pay proper attention to what’s going on in your […]
There’s something I’m noticing a lot these days. People with small voices in their head asking very fundamental questions. What am I actually doing here? Does my life have any meaning? Do I really want to keep living the way I do now? Do I really want to work the way I do now? If not, is […]
It’s easy to think that your life needs to be going well if you want to experience WELLBEING. It’s also easy to think when your life’s not going well, that’s the reason why you’re not experiencing any WELLBEING. Of course, there’s a trap here, because you keep looking at your life and saying, “It’s not […]
Many people have been feeling an enormous amount of pressure, especially this year, 2023. We’re feeling pressure around who we are and how we define ourselves. I see many people trying to strip away excess activity and information because they are overloaded and it has become too much. They’re wanting to simplify their life and […]
For me, WELLBEING is really simple. It’s the ability or the capacity to make things better in my own life and also for other people. It affects my health, relationships, finances and business. If I make my health better when it doesn’t feel good, then I experience WELLBEING. I might just be more well than […]
Do you treat yourself as well as you treat the people around you? Do you sometimes let yourself down so you don’t need to experience conflict with someone else? Do you give away too much but fight for everyone else? Let’s detangle this behaviour. Sarah: Welcome to the Spirit of Business, episode number 84. What’s […]
Matt turns the tables and interviews Sarah about her very personal story of starting and growing her business. They explore some of the issues around money and being a business owner that have most challenged Sarah and how she overcame them and found purpose and direction in her business life. Sarah: Welcome to the Spirit […]
When you start asking deeper questions about yourself and your life, it has an immediate effect on the way you do business and how you think about yourself. This week we ask the questions: Who are you? Where are you? Why are you here? What are you doing about it? What do you want? The […]
Sometimes it feels like human beings love to create a drama and business owners are no exception. But what lies beyond the addiction to drama and what’s a better way to respond? Sarah: Welcome to the Spirit of Business, episode number 98, the Drama of Money with Matt Murphy and Sarah McCrum. Matt: Hi […]
If your business has a big purpose or a powerful mission, you may find yourself feeling very small at times. It can be daunting to face major world challenges, large numbers, unethical competitors or a significant and sizeable goal. So how can you manage your own feelings when facing your noble goal? Sarah: Welcome to […]
Why wait any more? You’ve been doing it for so long. Waiting for more. Always more. Just so you can do what you want. It’s so easy to wait. It’s the obvious thing to do. You need to wait until you have more time. You have to wait until there’s more money. You can always […]
In a world that’s demanding a more conscious and responsible approach to business, how do we bring our different disciplines and expertise to the same table? How do we combine the linear with a more holistic approach? Who’s responsible for the wider purpose and impact of the business? And how do we manage so many […]
If you could look inside most business owners’ minds you’d find a lot of thoughts. You’d probably find plenty of stress, worry and anticipation of the future. There’d be analysis of what’s happened in the past, scenario planning and a series of what-ifs. Add into that thoughts about the family, the state of the world […]
It’s no longer the time of dreaming the future. It’s the time of making it. Every word, every thought, every feeling, every action is your contribution to the making of the future. This is not an onerous burden where a mistake or negative thought is destroying the potential for beautiful outcomes. It’s a joyful, creative […]
Do you ever wonder what people will say about you when you’re no longer here on this planet? Or even how other people see you now? How much does it matter to you, what you’re known for? And if you could leave a lasting legacy, what would it be? Sarah: Welcome to the Spirit of […]
Many business owners groan when they hear the word patience. It’s so hard to be patient when there’s a lot to get done and pressure to grow as fast as possible. So where does patience come in? When is it useful and when is it unnecessary? Sarah: Welcome to the Spirit of Business, episode […]
More and more, in today’s world, people are questioning their sense of purpose, the way they work and the way they live and then decisions have to be made. Do you stay in your comfort zone or do you expand into unknown territory? Sarah: Welcome to the Spirit of Business, episode number 97 […]
In every business and project there’s one person who’s the source or original creator, according to Peter Koenig, who’s been researching this topic for many years. When you understand the role of the source, whether it’s you or someone else, it’s much easier to create harmonious relationships and avoid conflict and misunderstandings. Here’s an article […]
It’s likely that almost everyone feels inadequate on the inside some of the time. And probably some of the people who don’t are very disconnected from themselves. The question is what to do with it. Do you pretend you’re much stronger than you feel? Do you show your vulnerability at every opportunity? Or are there […]
In the last few days, I’m seeing some people who feel separated from their soul. They have lost motivation for life and find it hard to feel any joy or purpose. It may appear to them as if their soul has had enough of life. It’s tired and it needs to sleep. It has no […]
We put so much emotion into competition, which is ultimately about winning and losing. But does it really help us run better businesses? Sarah: Welcome to the Spirit of Business, episode number 83, winning and Losing in Business with Matt Murphy and Sarah McCrumb. Matt: Hi Sarah. Sarah: Hi Matt. Matt: […]
Special guest, Dave Smith, describes his personal money journey. He changed direction from going deeper and deeper into debt to discovering a sense of agency and power in his relationship with money and life, which brought financial abundance with it. And he shares a remarkable insight right at the end about the true nature of […]
What are the elements of a great relationship with money? Money links with the way we work, our sense of purpose and our organisational ability, as well as the transactions that move money from one person to another. It’s very revealing to look deeply into your personal relationship with money. Sarah: Welcome to the […]
Many people consider that flow is the ultimate way to work. But it is not always easy to experience it on demand. What are the key ingredients for achieving a flow state in your work? Sarah: Welcome to the Spirit of Business, episode number 87. Is this a Formula for Flow? With Matt Murphy and […]
Many people are experiencing that their business feels a bit repetitive. There’s an itch to do something more but it’s hard to know what that might be. Some people even feel called to contribute more or at a larger scale than they have previously. How do you rise to that challenge? Sarah: Welcome to […]
Your energy is your most precious asset in your business and sometimes you may feel that it needs some love and attention. It’s important to give yourself permission to protect your energy and do whatever it takes to look after it well. Sarah: Welcome to the Spirit of Business, episode number 91, protecting Your Energy […]
When everyone in a team is aligned with the core purpose of a business, it should be much easier to make decisions and collaborate. But each individual has different values, so is it even possible for them all to be aligned? Sarah: Welcome to the Spirit of Business, episode number 82, Aligning Around Purpose […]
Running a business can be hard and we can’t do it alone, so the people we surround ourselves with make a real difference. It’s important to find the right kind of support for you, and it’s also important to make sure that your support systems work well for you. Sarah: Welcome to the Spirit […]
How can entrepreneurs and business owners create and run a thriving, sustainable business and thoroughly enjoy life at the same time? Sarah: This is the Spirit of Business episode number one. What is the Spirit of Business with Matt Murphy and Sarah McCrum. Matt: Welcome Sarah to the Spirit of Business Sarah: And welcome […]
“Almost all people experience some form of stress around money.” “When we understand what money is somehow we come to understand what life is at the same time, and we become more human, more alive, more joyful. We have more space, more peace in our lives.” Listen to the podcast here:
It feels like deeper transformation has been taking place in the run-up to this New Year than in any previous year. People are saying things to me like, “I can’t believe how fast I’m changing,” or “So much is shifting for me at the moment.” On the surface of life, the change is barely apparent. […]
We are in the middle of a great sifting. You may experience that many old thoughts, habits and ways of being are leaving you very quickly. It feels like you can’t go back to those ways ever again, even though you may have relied on them for many years until very recently. It can be […]
You may be tempted to say, “he’s depressed again.” “She’s always anxious.” “Here’s that pattern I’m so familiar with. I’ve seen it so many times before.” And then you’re free to dismiss the person who is reacting to life in this way. I invite you to look again and see what’s really going on. Go […]
Episode 73: An Entirely New Way To Relate To Money With Sarah McCrum: Part 1. In this episode, Sarah shares how she had to put the principles of Love Money Money Loves You into practice in her own life when she moved from the UK to Australia. An Entirely New Way To Relate To Money […]
If you’re purpose-centred and committed to doing good in your work, it’s very likely that you have some strangely dysfunctional beliefs and patterns around money that directly prevent you from being more successful. This is a pity because it would be good for all of us if more good people were more successful. If you […]
Idly I scroll through Telegram posts. It could equally be Facebook. One story after another of harm to human beings. It could equally be nature. The stories are horrifying. Every one of them a tragedy in a family far away from me. It could equally be a family close to me. These are things I […]
When I relaunched my book, Love Money, Money Loves You, recently, I received two messages from money specifically for the people who attended the launch parties. I’d like to share one of these messages with you today. As you read the following paragraphs, please imagine that the Energy of Money is speaking directly to you, […]
Humanity’s Team Live Event 2022 May 11 – Conscious Living & Our Moment of Choice from Humanitys Team on Vimeo.
There is an opening for us to alter our direction towards liberation. It’s simpler than you think and it’s now and for awhile to come. These openings occur from time to time, where certain energies and formations of life are more available to us. If we receive them and accept them, they are activated within […]
I’m searching for the language of liberation. I need new words to describe the experiences we are moving towards. My words feel old, unable to express fully the world that is coming into being. In the noise of world events, it’s hard to recognise the changes that are springing up everywhere. It’s so easy to […]
Host Helen Lee speaks with author, educator and business innovator Sarah McCrum, who specialises in improving people’s relationship with money and ultimately themselves and life. Both Helen and Sarah love leading people towards the great expansiveness we have within ourselves and the full utilisation of this, as well as the embracement and enjoyment of life. […]
There is a tenderness in the air. A sense of fragility. The old world is cracking, but the new world hasn’t been born yet. I try to do things the old way, but it’s tiring and feels empty. Almost pointless. Often I try again, wondering vaguely if there’s something I’m doing wrong. But it doesn’t […]
There is a change taking place in our financial systems that is so remarkable, and has emerged so unexpectedly, that I want to share it with you. If I look deeply into the energy of our current financial system it’s like looking at a tangled ball of wool. There is little natural order and a […]
In our old money story, we worked hard to make money. Some people were successful. Many struggled their whole lives to make ends meet. A few became so rich that they ended up owning almost everything that could be owned. They took over the land and resources of other countries and peoples, claiming them as […]
I keep being asked what I’m doing for Christmas. My original plan was to do as little as possible after a long and busy year. But a month ago I started having ideas. They were very inspiring. I came up with the name Liberate Humanity and registered the domain, It speaks so directly to […]
Here is a fantastic blog written by Nicola Woods for The Abundant Artist. It beautifully captures the essence of our relationship with money and will be relevant for any artistic or creative person, including many entrepreneurs.
A young woman asked me a few days ago how to know what information she can trust. She’d been told she needed to leave her job if she didn’t receive a covid jab. It got me thinking about how I decide what to trust. I have some personal guidelines I use all the time. They’ve […]
Have you been feeling unusually heavy and exhausted this last few days? Many people are feeling this way so I want to reassure you that it’s not all about you. This is in the energy field and some people are more sensitive to it than others. In my experience, the best way to deal with […]
When you think about money, what comes up first in your mind? Do you feel confident that you could handle any financial situation that might arise in your life? It could be a financial crisis, a rapid acceleration of income, or a significant expansion in wealth. It seems impossible with what we’ve learned from our […]
Ваше глубинное чувство ценности постоянно находится рядом с вами. Большинство людей избегают его, потому что боятся глубины. Они считают, что будут в большей безопасности, если останутся на поверхности жизни, сравнивая себя с другими и стараясь делать то, что от них ожидают другие. Но в этом нет никакого удовлетворения. Это приводит к бесконечному поиску себя и […]
Внутри вас есть глубокое, темное, прохладное место, где вы знаете ценность. Это колодец бесконечной глубины, который неподвижен. Он соединяет вас с океаном ценности, который находится в самой жизни. Когда вы знаете ценность, вы знаете богатство жизни. Признательность и благодарность – это естественное выражение ценности. Целостность, или цельность, – это чувство осознания ценности. Здесь нет вопросов […]
Your deep sense of value is very close to you all the time. Most people avoid it because they’re afraid of depth. They believe they’re safer if they stay on the surface of life, comparing themselves with others and trying to do what others expect of them. But there’s no satisfaction in this. It leads […]
There is a deep, dark, cool place within you where you know value. It’s a well of infinite depth that is still. It connects you to the ocean of value that lies within life itself. When you know value, you know the wealth of life. Appreciation and gratitude are the natural expressions of value. Integrity, […]
Мы необычайно чувствительные существа. Большинство из нас выросло, зная только о пяти органах чувств, с помощью которых мы получаем доступ к физическому миру и взаимодействуем с ним. Но это лишь малая часть того, что мы способны ощущать. Мы давно почитаем художников, которые чувствуют больше, чем мы можем воспринять. Великие художники передают через свои работы невысказанные […]
Вы, наверняка, знаете, являетесь ли вы одним из высокочувствительных людей (тех, которые интенсивнее прочих реагируют на окружающий мир) или нет. Если же вы не уверены в этом, вот список вопросов Элейн Аарон, которая впервые начала исследовать высокочувствительных людей в 1990-х годах: Легко ли вас подавляют такие вещи, как яркий свет, сильные запахи, грубые ткани или […]
We are extraordinarily sensitive beings. Most of us grew up learning only about the five senses through which we access and interact with the physical world. But this is such a tiny part of what we’re capable of sensing. We have long honoured artists who sense more than we can ordinarily perceive. Great artists convey […]
Кого ты винишь в том, что не можешь получать удовольствие от жизни? Свой бизнес, потому что он накладывает множество обязательств? Правительство, потому что оно принимает неправильные решения? Свою команду, потому что они не выполняют свои задачи? Своих инвесторов, клиентов, нескончаемый список дел? Своего супруга, потому что он ожидает от вас слишком много? Или потому что […]
You’ll know if you’re highly sensitive. And just in case you’re not sure, here’s a list of questions by Elaine Aaron who first started researching highly sensitive people in the 1990s: Are you easily overwhelmed by such things as bright lights, strong smells, coarse fabrics, or sirens nearby? Do you get rattled when you have […]
Если когда-либо и было время прояснить свои ценности, то это сейчас. Доктор Джон Демартини предлагает полезный способ определения того, что вы цените. Он говорит: “Когда вы живете в соответствии со своими низшими ценностями, вам требуется постоянная внешняя мотивация, и вы подавляете свой гений. Когда вы живете в соответствии со своими высшими ценностями, вы обретаете вдохновение […]
If ever there was a time to clarify your values, it’s now. Dr John Demartini has a useful way of determining what you value. He says, “When you live according to your lower values you require continuous outside motivation and you suppress your genius. When you live according to your highest values you become inspired […]
Пару дней назад я написала пост о своем поиске радости в бизнесе. И я имела ввиду именно радость, а не удовольствие или счастье. Ко мне пришел вопрос: “А что, если бизнес – это священная деятельность?” Всего лишь два дня я рассматриваю и изучаю ответ на этот вопрос, и хотя еще рано делать какие-либо выводы, я […]
Earlier this week I wrote a blog about my search for joy in business. And I genuinely meant joy, rather than enjoyment or happiness. I found myself being offered a question: “What if business is a sacred activity?” I’ve now had all of two days to explore this, so it’s premature to come to any […]
Я нахожусь в поисках большей радости в своем бизнесе. Так легко вдруг оказаться той белкой в колесе, пытаясь незамедлительно решить все дела сразу. И все же несмотря на то, что я умею получать от этого удовольствие, это состояние подавляет глубокую внутреннюю радость. Вчера я проснулась слишком рано. Впереди меня ждал длинный список дел и приближающийся […]
I’m on the search for more joy in business. It’s easy to get caught up in being busy, and whilst I can enjoy that, suppresses the deeper joy inside me. Yesterday I woke up way too early. I was feeling the pressure of a long list of things to do and an imminent deadline. But […]
There is too much polarisation in the world at the moment. I never imagined I would witness this in my lifetime. At times, it has the resonance of historic events that we would never ever want to repeat. This is a part of the big transformation going on in the world, and releasing/detoxing is an […]
Что такое цель? Цель – это принцип глубокого выравнивания, который помогает вам разобраться в своей жизни. Это способ выбора того, какие из множества событий вашей жизни, чтобы сосредоточиться, обратить внимание и создать смысл вокруг. Это также способ отстраниться от событий, делая их неактуальными или неважными. Откуда исходит цель? Ваше чувство цели вытекает из множества различных […]
Многие из нас стоят перед дилеммой: что лучше – игнорировать происходящее в мире, чтобы все время сохранять позитивный настрой? или следить за происходящим в мире, чтобы понимать ситуацию и иметь возможность внести личный вклад? Задача непростая. То, чему вы дарите свое внимание и энергию, растет. Но взращивать негатив не хочется. Было бы гораздо лучше взращивать […]
There’s a dilemma that many people are struggling with. Do you ignore what’s going on in the world so you can focus on being positive? Do you engage with what’s going on in the world so you’re aware and can make a difference? This is tricky. Whatever you pay attention to and give your energy […]
Я не могу больше смотреть на то, что происходит сейчас во всем мире. Мое сердце разрывается от лжи и манипуляций. Возможно, вы целиком доверяете правительству и корпорациям, которые его контролируют и заставляют выполнять свои требования. Или может, вы отказываетесь видеть, как искажается истина, хоть это происходит при свете дня. Вы можете безоглядно верить во все […]
Маркетинг – это прекрасное искусство, призванное создавать новые связи, рождать родственные чувства и менять жизни к лучшему. Определенная часть маркетинга направлена на осуществление обмена товарами и услугами за деньги, но это не является конечной целью. Это механизм, который служит общей цели – сделать жизнь лучше. Маркетинг является одним из тонких искусств, потому что невозможно предугадать, […]
I know of only one way to change my life if I don’t like what’s happening or where it’s heading. Create a new narrative and then live it as fully as I can. It isn’t always easy and it can get messy along the way, but it works. At times it’s miraculous. If you read […]
I cannot bear to look any more At the stories of today’s world. My heart is breaking Under the weight of lies and manipulation. I don’t care any more what you believe in Or whether we share the same narrative or not. You might trust the systems that govern us And the companies that push […]
Бывают времена, когда энергия мира кажется особенно сложной. Сейчас как раз один из таких периодов. Поэтому не удивляйтесь, если жизнь кажется вам сложнее, чем обычно. Энергия подобна погоде. Она постоянно движется и поэтому меняется. Иногда она более стабильна, а иногда неспокойна. Не бывает двух одинаковых дней. На самом деле, не бывает даже двух одинаковых моментов. […]
There are times when the energy of the world feels particularly challenging. Now is one of those times. So don’t be surprised if life seems more difficult than usual. Energy’s like weather. It’s constantly moving and therefore changing. Sometimes it’s more stable and sometimes it’s turbulent. No two days are ever exactly the same. In […]
В этой жизни мы играем в две игры: первая – игра в разобщение, вторая – игра в единение. Игра в разобщение Играя в разобщение, мы представляем, что независимы друг от друга. Верим, что можем спрятаться от других. Храним тайны. Коллекционируем вещи. Уверены, что если мы что-то получаем, кто-то другой непременно теряет. Боимся смерти, ибо потеряем […]
Being highly sensitive is both a challenge and a gift in today’s world. The challenge is that life can feel overwhelming at times, especially when your environment is noisy and busy or people around you have pushy, invasive energy. The gift is that you’re able to sense what’s going on around you with ease and […]
Пришло время ценить себя. Какой бы ни была ваша нынешняя история, нет сомнений, что вы делаете все возможное с теми внутренними и внешними ресурсами, которые вам известны. Также несомненно, что вам доступны и другие ресурсы, но к ним вы получите доступ только тогда, когда сможете оценить себя по достоинству. Ведь когда вы цените себя, вы […]
It’s time to appreciate yourself. Whatever your current story is, there is no doubt that you are doing the best you can with the inner and outer resources you are aware of. There is also no doubt that more resources are available to you, but they are very difficult to access until you appreciate yourself […]
Пока мы живы, мы получаем новую энергию и высвобождаем старую. Это фундаментальный принцип жизни. С новой энергией приходит код вселенной, необходимый для жизни в будущем. Это жизненные инструкции для каждой сферы по мере развития нашей жизни. В ней заключено послание для наших физических процессов (сердцебиение, дыхание и триллионы мельчайших движений, которые поддерживают нашу жизнь) и […]
As long as you’re alive you’re receiving new energy and releasing old energy. That’s a fundamental principle of life. The new energy is the universe coding for your future. It’s the life instructions for every aspect of your life as it unfolds. It holds the message of your physical processes (heartbeat, breathing and the trillions […]
Бывает момент, когда у вас появляется желание. Оно поднимается откуда-то изнутри вас. Оно искреннее и сердечное. Это то, что вы очень хотели бы испытать в будущем. Какое-то время спустя наступает момент, когда ваше желание осуществляется. К этому моменту его исполнение принимается как данность. Вы готовы к этому. Как будто его исполнение всегда было неизбежным. Но […]
There’s a moment when you have a wish. It rises up from somewhere inside you. It’s sincere and heartfelt. It’s what you’d love to experience in the future. There’s another moment when your wish is fulfilled. By the time it comes about it feels inevitable. You’re ready for it. It’s natural and graceful. It’s as […]
Вы думаете иначе, чем ваши друзья. Вы не хотите расстраивать своих друзей, ведь они так легко огорчаются по любому поводу, и поэтому решаете промолчать. Однако в отличие от вас они выражают свое мнение свободно. Вы слушаете и изо всех сил стараетесь сохранить самообладание, но внутри чувствуете растущее возмущение. Все таки нечестно, что они могут говорить […]
Your opinions are different from those of your friends. You don’t want to upset them, and they easily get upset, so you keep silent. They express their opinions freely. You listen and try hard not to be upset by them, but it disturbs you inside. It feels unfair that they can say what they want […]
Это непростая задача. Как вести уважительные, открытые разговоры на темы, в которых люди глубоко разделены или придерживаются радикально отличающихся друг от друга точек зрения? Самый простой ответ – общаться с теми, кто с нами согласен, отказываясь от общения с другими людьми. Так удобнее, но мне это кажется очень нездоровым. Иногда я не хочу выслушивать мнения […]
Мы – вибрационные существа. Поэтому вы можете представить, что каждый из нас подобен богатому звуку, состоящему из невероятного множества различных тонов, каждый из которых представлен определенной вибрацией. Если звук красив, то он состоит из тонов, которые естественно гармонируют друг с другом. Если звук очень трудно слушать, значит, он состоит из слишком контрастных тонов, в подобном […]
This is challenging. How can we have respectful, open conversations on topics where people are deeply divided, or hold radically differing viewpoints from each other? The easiest answer is to say we can’t and hang out with people who agree with us. It’s more comfortable, but it feels very unhealthy to me. Sometimes I don’t […]
Most people experience fear and stress around money and they’re not aware how much it’s influencing their business, financial and family life, and their impact in the world.
Хочу поделиться с вами формулой для бизнеса, которая недавно мне очень пригодилась. Она помогла мне увидеть, что я неоправданно блокирую себя в той области, которая работает достаточно хорошо. Она также помогла мне определить, чему нужно уделять наибольшее внимание, чтобы и дальше развивать свой бизнес. Осознание Люди, с которыми вы хотели бы работать, должны быть осведомлены […]
Сомнение. То чувство, когда земля начинает уходить из под ног. Когда ты уже не знаешь так четко, как раньше, что делаешь и куда идешь. Чувство, что все меняется, и ты больше не понимаешь, кто ты на самом деле. Когда я была моложе, это состояние пугало меня до невозможности. Мне казалось, что я все делаю неправильно, […]
Here’s a business formula that I’ve found very useful recently. It helped me to see that I was unnecessarily blocking myself in an area that was working reasonably well. It also helped me identify where I need to pay most attention in order to grow my business. Awareness The people you’d like to work with […]
Зачем лезть из кожи вон? Когда я смотрю на маленького ребенка, который так сильно старается кому-то угодить, мне хочется подойти и разрешить ему быть самим собой. Я знаю, к чему обычно приводят такие усердные попытки. Иногда я все еще ловлю на этом и саму себя. Я стараюсь быть хорошей или любящей, или проявлять любое другое […]
In this interview, Sarah discusses how building a conscious, healthy, and loving relationship with money can improve our lives. Sarah shares how her book, Love Money, Money Loves You, and her work with the energy of money came about. Guest Sarah McCrum – Season 7 Episode 3
Join the Thank You Money Program here If you’d like to ask questions or discuss your situation, please book a Discovery call
Why try so hard? When I look at a small child who’s trying hard to do the right thing to please someone else, I want to give them permission to be themselves and let go of trying so hard. I know where that kind of trying leads to. Sometimes I still catch myself at it. […]
Мой китайский учитель однажды сказал: “Ты не сможешь найти покой до тех пор, пока не разрешишь все свои проблемы”. Не уверена, что в то время хорошо поняла, что она имела ввиду. Я еще не так хорошо знала судьбы людей, чтобы понять, насколько затратно и разрушительно жить в проблемах. Представьте себе психическое пространство, занятое проблемой, которую […]
An interview with Jennifer K. Hill and Brandon Maslan where we discuss the importance of remembering that the place to start when connecting to increasing your prosperity begins with you.
Любить себя – это как? Было время, когда проявлением любви к себе считалось принять ароматную расслабляющую ванну при свечах или пойти на массаж. Пусть это и неплохие советы, но они не являются ответом на вопрос, что же значит любить себя. Лично я нахожу понятие любви к себе одним из сложных аспектов нашей жизни в этом […]
Живот сжимается и щемит в груди. Столько нужно сделать , и ни минуты на отдых. Но нужно продолжать, потому что никто больше с этим не справится. И вы все идёте и идёте вперёд без продыха. Мысли о том, что между работой и личной жизнью необходим баланс, иногда мелькают в голове, но это откладывается на потом, […]
Представьте, что вы пытаетесь научиться езде на лыжах по книге. Математике – в экскурсиях. Культуру изучаете, сидя перед телевизором, а радость – по академическим докладам. Ничего не получится. Как же тогда научиться быть счастливым? Интересный вопрос. Я считаю, что учиться счастью не нужно. Я провела годы, обучаясь у учителя, который говорил: “Никто не появляется на […]
Наверное, это один из самых тяжелых аспектов, к которому мы должны стремиться, будучи человеком. Когда мы проживаем трудные времена, то мы можем испытывать большое сопротивление, страх и нежелание любить по-настоящему. И все же сколько красоты и истины открывается тогда, когда мы находим в себе смелость любить, а не отстаивать свою правоту или пытаться отвергнуть, не […]
Learn more about the Thank You Money program here. For question or enquires email
Легко предполагать, что позитивная энергия – это хорошо, а негативная – плохо. Отсюда мы полагаем, что чем позитивнее – тем лучше, а чем негативнее – еще хуже. И, наконец, вывод из этого получается такой, что самая позитивная энергия – наилучшая, самая негативная – наихудшая. Однако все не так просто, давайте рассмотрим это поближе. В древнем […]
Learn more about the Thank You Money program here. For question or enquires email
Работа внешняя и внутренняя. Многих моих знакомых волнует состояние нашей планеты и будущего всего человечества. Они совершают огромные усилия, чтобы через свою работу, а также личную и семейную жизнь оказать положительное влияние на все, что происходит вокруг. Но в то же время легко почувствовать свою беспомощность, глядя на то, какая трансформация необходима нам на данный […]
Вчера я получилa письмо от человека, с которым работалa несколько лет назад. Она спросила меня, есть ли какие-то нарушения или изменения в мировой энергии в данный момент, потому что кажется, что все выходит из-под контроля не только y нее, но и y многих людей вокруг нее. Мы живем во времена стремительных перемен, и если вы […]
It is easy to assume that positive energy is good and negative energy is bad. From there we presume that more positive is better and more negative is worse. And some people conclude that the most positive is best and the most negative is worst. This is very tricky and it leads to lots of […]
Работая с деньгами, и особенно с финансовой кармой, я обнаружила прямую связь между нашими отношениями с деньгами и тем, как мы ценим нашу душу. Отсюда появилось новое выражение – валюта души. Когда я спрашиваю человека, какова валюта его души, удивительно, как легко он может ответить, хоть это и не та тема, на которую обычно говорят. […]
В последнее время мне довелось общаться с очень творческими людьми и я заметила проблему, на которую нам всем стоит обратить внимание. Креативность, творчество – это очень мощная энергия, которая нуждается в выражении. Это значит, что ее необходимо направить на создание чего-то настоящего. И обязательно делиться ею. Это не просто способность рождать хорошие идеи или фантазировать […]
This is a two part video. Please start with the first video, called “Gaia Speaks: A Message from Mother Earth,”, because it will give you the deeper context for the main video below. The next Future Human course will be starting soon. Please make sure you are signed up for my blog if you […]
At the end of the webinar we announced the opportunity to participate in the first four months of Sarah’s signature program, Thank You Money with live monthly Q&A’s with Sarah and Dipika to establish your relationship with this abundant life source, starting 23 February 2021 (22 Feb in USA). This program is game changing. It’s the kind […]
Кипучая жизненная энергия и процветание дарят нам потрясающие впечатления. Однако их невозможно измерить по одной шкале. Оба этих опыта состоят из факторов, состояний и условностей, которые разнятся от человека к человеку. Если задаться целью найти “ключ к жизненной энергии” или “секрет изобилия”, вы никогда их не найдете. Вы все время будете гнаться за недостижимым, пытаясь […]
If you’d like to learn more about Joan’s courses, here is a 4 part video series which will introduce you to her methods and bring you into her ecosystem so you can explore further.
What set you on this journey of “talking to money”? It happened out of the blue. I’d just experienced the closing down of my business so I was at a very low point in my life financially. I was given a little book called “How to become a money magnet.” It had exercises at the […]
Do you feel, or even know, that you’re a creative person? I’ve been observing some very creative people recently and I’m noticing a problem that we need to pay attention to. Creativity is a very powerful energy that needs to go somewhere. That means it needs to be used to create something real. And then […]
Where did you grow up and what was your childhood like? Did you have any particular experiences/stories that shaped your adult life? I grew up in a British, Naval family with an artist mother. It was very middle class. The best thing about my younger years was the freedom I had as a teenager. We […]
Есть ли такой человек, которого вы идеализируете или водрузили на пьедестал? Кто-то, кто вызывает в вас большой эмоциональный отклик, потому что они невероятны? Тот, на кого вы могли бы смотреть или слушать весь день напролет? Этот человек держит в руках один из ключей к вашему большему потенциалу. Очень часто происходит то, что мы сами подавляем […]
Вся наша жизнь – это путешествие. Но один и тот же путь можно пройти по-разному. Вот, например, вы едете на машине из Лондона в Рим: можно в одиночку, а можно и в компании других людей. Можно петь и веселиться по дороге, или же ехать без остановки 24 часа в сутки, чтобы добраться туда как можно […]
We’re in the middle of a huge change in the way our economy works, which directly affects our businesses and our money. I see the struggle going on now between the old and new ways of money. Although it’s extremely uncomfortable, t’s a good sign because it means the old approach is on its way out […]
Vitality and thriving are rich experiences. They can’t be measured on a single scale. They consist of many factors, states and conditions which are different for different individuals. If you look for “the key to vitality” or “the secret to thriving” you’ll never find them. You’ll find yourself on a constant wild goose chase, always […]
Что такое успех? Иногда мне кажется, что это слово подталкивает меня к тому, чтобы все сильнее и сильнее стараться добраться до чего-то, что убегает от меня все дальше и дальше. Туда, куда я никогда не доберусь, как бы сильно я ни старалась. Эта версия успеха лишена осознанности. Она легко поддается на провокации и может вызвать […]
Marketing is the beautiful art of communicating a message in order to create connection and change lives in a beneficial way. Some of this communication leads to the exchange of products and services for money but that is not the goal. It is a mechanism that serves the overall purpose of making life better. Marketing […]
What is success? Sometimes it feels like a word that pushes me into trying harder and harder to get somewhere that’s further and further away. It’s a place I’m never going to reach, however hard I strive. That’s the unconscious version of success. It’s easily triggered and can cause many varieties of feeling inadequate. It […]
Шесть недель назад мы с мужем купили ферму на большом участке земли в 75 акров. Почва на нем истощена. Эта земля была пастбищем для слишком большого количества коров и быков, они ее просто опустошили. В некоторых местах земля стоптана в камень. Сейчас мы посвящаем много времени изучению пермакультуры, как снова сделать почву плодородной, а также […]
Как это сделать? Как быть уникальной личностью в мире, полном стереотипов и прообразов? Как верить в глубине души, что мы связаны со всем этим? Что мы являемся частью Природы, Земли, Космоса и Жизни? Это вопросы сами по себе глобальны, но есть еще вопрос поважнее. Как объединить единичное с общим? Как выразить свою уникальность, зная, что […]
Six weeks ago my husband and I bought a 75-acre farm. The land here had been overworked. Too many cattle have left it exhausted. In some places the soil is very compacted. We’ve been learning all about permaculture, building soil fertility and observing how nature recovers when it has a chance to rest. One of […]
Релаксация – кажется, это такой пустяк. Мы уверены, что расслабляемся, когда читаем книгу или смотрим телевизор. В какой-то мере, да, это релаксация. Но это лишь малая ее часть. Спустя 25 лет постоянного изучения жизни и саморазвития я до сих пор нахожу релаксацию одним из самых мощных средств познания себя и окружающего мира. Позвольте объяснить, что […]
How do you do it? How do you live as a unique individual in a world full of stereotypes and archetypes? How do you know in the depths of your being that you are connected with all of it? That you’re a part of Nature, Earth, the Cosmos and Life? These are big enough questions, […]
Когда вы выбираете жить только из своего ума: полагаясь на разум с логикой и теряя при этом связь с сердцем – спустя какое-то время вы можете начать замечать, что вас перестают радовать окружающие люди, а затем, постепенно, и ваша жизнь в целом. Формально вы все делаете «правильно» и «как положено», но внутри все равно есть […]
This is going to be a long post and worth reading in detail to the end. It’s an important message. At present, if you choose to take care of your health and well-being, many other people and organisations benefit from it. Your national health service saves a lot of money because you don’t get so […]
Of course, the answer is yes. I could end this blog right here, but I know how challenging it can be to bring success and spirituality together. There are two main reasons for this. Most people, whether spiritual or not, have never been educated or trained for success. Even our starting points are not very […]
This is the beginning of a new series of writings for children about money. My intention is to turn them into animations. The simplicity makes it a valuable reminder for us as adults of what money really is. Let’s have a look at some money. Here’s a note. And here’s a coin. And here are […]
Many people tell me they’ve never thought about their relationship with money before, even though they’ve been busy with money since childhood. It’s a very different dynamic when you relate to money, rather than just using, making or spending it. You start to look at how you respond emotionally to it and you also have […]
What is purpose? Purpose is a deep aligning principle that helps you make sense of your life. It is a way of selecting which of the multitude of events of your life to focus on, pay attention to and create meaning around. It’s also a way to tune out of events by making them irrelevant […]
The energy of money is woven through all aspects of our life. It’s a powerful energy that both attracts and repels us. It’s an energy that enables us to create great systems for the improvement of life on this planet. It’s also an energy that people have chased mercilessly and used to create great destruction. […]
Here’s an interesting story of what happened to a guy called Lloyd Burrell (in his words). One cold sunny day in February 2002 I put my cell phone to my ear to answer a call. And that’s when it started. Just like that out of the blue. Within a few short calls I was experiencing […]
As I look forward to the next two months I see a lot of turbulence in the energy field, which means a lot of turbulence in the world. I don’t see any way we can avoid it because we are all a part of this energy field. This isn’t just about the US election. To […]
There’s a window that’s wide open at the moment. It’s a window of significant opportunity and change. What lies outside the window is new and I can’t be sure what it looks and feels like. But it’s powerfully attractive, even beautiful. The window won’t always be as open as it is right now. My sense […]
In this moment I’m making a choice to sit at my desk and write an article. It would be easier for me to go through my collection of unanswered emails and it would be beautiful to go for a walk along the beach. There are several other things I’d like to do and one or […]
As I reflect on the history of disease, and especially the big population killers, I see that they were largely caused or exacerbated by some form of pollution. That means waste getting into the food chain before it’s been processed into a clean, nutritious substance. In a natural, healthy system, we don’t eat human and […]
As the pandemic chaos continues to play out, our attention inevitably turns to money, the economy and the future and we wonder what on earth is going on? And what will the consequences be, really? I can’t answer those questions with any certainty, but there’s one thing I know for sure. Whatever happens in the […]
Please allow time for this article. It’s an extended, multi-media exploration of creativity as a way of living and being, through which we can express ourselves fully. It’s also a signpost into the future. Let’s Start With A Big Question Here Is One Man’s Answer Emailed to me a few days ago by composer and […]
Imagine a world where every single human being belongs. This is a world where we each have our place. It’s a world where we each make our unique contribution, knowing we’re part of a collective group, a community, a species, a planet, a whole. Imagine that in this world every person has something to share […]
In my many conversations with money, I have learnt that business is the sharing of beauty, pleasure and goodness. It uplifts human beings, enabling us to share our gifts and contribute to each other and to our communities. Business is an expression of creativity. It’s a way to solve problems and create ways of living […]
If life is energy, and energy is unconditional love, what difference does that make to you? If you do something “wrong” or “bad” in your view, you’re still made of the same stuff, which is love. If you do something “right” or “good” in your view, you’re still made of the same stuff, which is […]
Those thoughts you frequently have about yourself. Are they true? That doubt about whether you can achieve your personal dream. Is it true? That nagging voice that says there’s something wrong with you. Is it true? That story that’s running in the media at the moment. Is it true? Does it make sense? Is it […]
Are you a conscious business owner, gamechanger or passionately committed to making the world better through your work? Have you done at least 12 weeks learning with me before, or several years of personal and/or spiritual development elsewhere? Would you love to contribute to and benefit from a community of gamechangers who are exploring the […]
I watched a video yesterday. I didn’t know if it was true or not true. If it’s true, it’s a shocking revelation of things going on in our society that makes me feel sick to the core. If it’s not true, I know these things are going on anyway. That’s a weird place to be. […]
Sometimes I feel we focus on such big things when it’s the small things that would make the most difference. You know those days when you didn’t sleep enough? Or you’ve been overdoing it for a while? Or you’re completely stuck in your head, thinking all the time? Or you’ve been on your computer for […]
I sometimes feel that coronavirus has put me in a fishbowl with a magnifying glass, where I can observe in minute detail the subtle dynamics of the way I live. It’s given permission to question many things that I took for granted before. One of the most significant shifts I’m detecting, and observing in others […]
Hang on a minute. We already know it’s important to talk. We’ve been talking about talking for years. That’s true, but I wonder how good we really are at talking with (and listening to) each other. One of the things that’s come out most strongly for me in the corona situation is the challenge of […]
What can make your business thrive, even in difficult times? For me, without question, it’s your spirit. When you lose your spirit, it’s hard to look ahead or make decisions. You drag yourself through the day and abandon your responsibilities as you go into survival mode. You find yourself gradually shutting down and closing yourself […]
As we wait for the world to open up again, many questions are lingering in the air, waiting for answers we’re unable to provide. How will we go back to work? Will we ever go back to where we were? Do we even want to? If not, what do we want instead – individually? As […]
Do you know someone with covid-19? Or are you concerned for the health of those you don’t know? Here’s a simple, non-religious, prayer for healing for people with covid-19. Please join me in it and share it with those who are worried or afraid for themselves, their loved ones or others. It’s 10 minutes and […]
When the flow of money through the economy reduces because people have become afraid of spending and investing, it sends ripples of limitation and lack across the world. People lose their jobs and their businesses, which makes us more afraid of paying for anything other than the essentials. As a result we produce what we […]
As we close ourselves into our houses and contemplate the future, it’s a good time to invoke a new economy based on better values than the one we’re so familiar with. This is my starting point. The new economy is based on generosity. In order to be generous to each other, each one of us […]
What have you been paying attention to the last few days?. What was useful, valuable or necessary?. What was not? What was contributing to improving the situation? What was not? What you pay attention to matters. It matters a lot. Why? Because what you pay attention to expands. It grows. It increases. That’s a principle […]
Complaining is an attitude that produces apathy. It sucks you of energy and ultimately leaves you feeling hopeless and disempowered. It’s easy to complain. There are so many things that appear to be wrong with the world and many of them seem too big to fix. But what are you contributing when you complain? Curiosity […]
Do you have any idea how much difference it would make in your life to explore and transform your relationship with money? Completely contrary to all my spiritual understanding, money has turned out to be the doorway to living a fuller, more joyful and more expansive life than I had been able to imagine before. It’s […]
The Contradiction of Doing Good and Making Money Here’s the contradiction of human life. You’re naturally attracted to love, joy, peace and freedom. That feels pretty safe. They are intangible inner states. It may be hard to experience them, but there’s no question as to whether they’re good or not. You’re also naturally attracted to […]
Bring More Purpose into Your Business and More Money into Your Purpose So you want to do good and make money? That seems pretty natural to me. Who doesn’t want that? But as soon as you put those two activities together, it’s likely that fear arises that can make you feel completely frozen. Is it okay to […]
The End of Fear and Conflict Around Money Two weeks ago I explored the fear and confusion that most of us hold around money, whether we’re wealthy or poor, and suggested that it’s very important for us to resolve the conflict that lies beneath this fear. Doing Good and Making Money – Part 1 Last […]
What Do You Need to Learn to Do More Good and Make More Money? Part 1 – Doing Good and Making MoneyPart 2 – The Contradiction of Doing Good and Making MoneyPart 3 – The End of Fear and Conflict Around Making Money Once I received the message from Money (see part 3) that it […]
The real story of Daniel Levin I had lived as a monk in a monastery for 10 years and later led the growth of a company from 3 million to 100 million a year in sales. I had written a book called The Mosaic and I was living out one of the stories. I had […]
There’s been a change in the way the news media is working. I’ve noticed it especially in the last 12 months. It started to grow last year with the focus on climate change at every opportunity. It became much stronger with the bushfires in Australia and it’s become even more obvious with the coronavirus. During […]
Most people don’t know anything about the discovery of pyramids in Bosnia, let alone the largest known pyramids in the world. I visited them for the first time last year, with my Bosnian husband, Niko, and decided to come back for a month this year so I could explore the extraordinary energy I experienced here. […]
I received an email yesterday from someone I worked with a few years ago. She asked me if there’s some disturbance or change in the energy at the moment because it feels like everything’s getting out of control, not only for her but for many people around her. We’re living in a time of rapid […]
I’m often asked what the mind is. It’s a difficult question to answer, but I know that when I use it inappropriately life becomes very uncomfortable. Here are some things I remind myself of when my mind is trying to take over my life and control everything. What the mind is notThe mind is not […]
What is time? Time is a dimension, a freedom, a power, an energy, an experience that exists in and through you as an individual and across the entire universe. It gives meaning and shape to the unfolding of existence. It is real and it is the deep reality. It’s folded through the other dimensions, some […]
What is it that you really want? That’s the most important question you can ask yourself right now. It’s not a question about the small things in life – the clothes, the house, the cash, the holidays, the travel. Those all have their place but they aren’t in the first line of priority. What do […]
Have you ever made a wish that’s so beautiful, you can hardly believe it’s possible for it to come true? Have you ever had the feeling you could create something extraordinary, but had no clue how you would actually do it? Have you ever had a vision of yourself living a life that is so […]
Imagine you are the Director in charge of the entire money system on Earth. This is not a human role. You are the Director of the energy systems that lie behind our financial and economic systems and behind every financial transaction on the planet. As Director, you are in charge of a vast organisation of […]
I have a handful of recommendations for you this week. The first is perfect if you love spiritual and personal development books but are bewildered about what to buy because there are so many choices. My friend, Sandie Sedgbeer, hosts a wonderful radio show called What’s Going Om and she’s a gifted interviewer so it’s […]
Have you ever had a dream of doing something so beautiful that you thought it would probably never happen to you. Maybe something that would take you beyond your boundaries and transcend the reality of your daily life. I don’t think I could even have put a finger on my dream, or described it in […]
As we face a new decade and I tune into the message of our next ten years, I’m surprised to find a tenderness and vulnerability, a delicate and fragile sense of beauty. Over and over again, as I reflect on our future, I realise that this is not a time for heroics or drama. We […]
As you expand your consciousness you expand your capacity. When you feel struggle, it’s because you’re caught up in the details and you’ve forgotten that you can see much more than you’re looking at. When you keep your eye on where you’re going and what you’re creating in the world, allowing it to emerge from […]
Through my work with money, and especially financial karma, I am discovering a direct link between our relationship with money and the way we value our soul. A new expression has been emerging – the currency of the soul. When I ask someone what is the currency of their soul, it’s surprising how easily they […]
One day in March 2004 I received an email that was hate-filled, threatening, and bullying. It wasn’t personally directed at me, but at the Academy I was working with. I didn’t realise at the time the effect that email would have on my life. A single, relatively powerless individual, determined to destroy an organisation, apparently […]
Sometimes I don’t know what to write in my blog. Ideas pass through my mind but they feel empty. This one takes too long. That one doesn’t have enough energy. The one I thought of last week doesn’t seem so interesting anymore. And so my mind chatters on, trying to make sense of what to […]
How do you love yourself? There was a time when people talked about having a candle-lit bath with relaxing salts and essential oils, or booking a massage. These are good things to do but they don’t seem to answer the question. Personally, I find self love one of the more challenging aspects of life in […]
I arrived at Denver Airport 30 minutes ago, took out my boarding pass, and noticed a key detail. Oops, the luggage allowance on this particular cheap airline is 40 lbs. It’s been 50 lbs on all the many other airlines we’ve used in the last two months. What to do? I look at Niko, my […]
Do you believe that money is neutral? That it only holds the power you give to it? That it’s empty until you do something with it? That’s what I used to believe. I knew it was energy, but I never stopped to think about it at a deeper level. When I wrote the book, Love […]
I’m coming to the conclusion that our profound misunderstanding of what money really is underlies the vast majority of workplace stresses and struggles. It’s common for people to do work they don’t like in order to make money, and as a consequence to damage their health, well-being and happiness, sometimes for decades. It’s normal for […]
There’s a part of you that’s wild, free and pure. It’s sweet, loving and innocent and it’s very sensitive. Maybe it’s your soul. When you get caught up in your work or mission or business, it’s easy to ignore the wishes of your soul. It seems so important to get a lot done and make […]
I’d like to share a new audio with you this week that’s an energy activation for clearing old financial energy. We’re so used to living in a culture that holds deep conflicts and confusion around money and spirituality, that it can be hard to recognise the old beliefs and stories that are still buried deep […]
A conversation in one of my classes a few days ago between two business partners, Dave and Bob. Dave: I knew that my business partner was having an important meeting in San Francisco a few weeks ago, so I thought “I’m going to try this experiment.” And so I did a formal grounding exercise and […]
It’s possible to be too open. Often when we learn about spirituality, we’re taught to be open, receptive, and empty, and to connect with higher beings and make ourselves available for service. That’s good when you’re used to being very focused on material life, but some people go too far. Something they’ve learnt or their […]
I’ve spent the last 28 years studying and practising healing in one guise or another. I’ve worked with physical, emotional, and mental health, relationships, families, financial healing, legal healing, and life purpose (along with anything else that comes my way). Most of my clients are business owners. There’s a process to true natural healing that […]
In Part 1 I explored the process of natural healing and how we might apply it to the healing of our human collective. In today’s article we explore 15 lessons I’ve learned through many years experience, learning as much through my mistakes as my successes. After 30 years of exposure to the world of healing, […]
This is one of the great challenges of being human. We can experience a lot of resistance, fear, and unwillingness to really love when life feels hard. And yet, so much beauty and truth open up if we find the courage to love rather than to be right. or try to reject, ignore, or escape […]
I’ve felt the threat of technology for many years, in particular machine intelligence. It’s expanding so quickly, and often appears to be driven more by a desire to outdo ourselves than by wisdom or deeply conscious decision-making. There are so many unknown risks associated with extreme technological development, as Elon Musk, Founder and CEO of […]
It sounds like the cry of a toddler, not a full-grown adult who’s discovering the real journey of healing. I was talking to a friend who’s been in extreme back pain for 3 months. He was describing to me that he’d been so fixated on being 100% better that he never noticed the little improvements […]
Fragments of questions started to enter my mind as I walked along the beach. What is heaven really?How does heaven relate to suffering?What if heaven is only possible as a result of extreme suffering?What if heaven isn’t all it’s cracked up to be?What if heaven isn’t really the point?Where does that leave heaven on earth?What […]
In 30 years of learning and teaching healing, I’ve had a chance to observe the patterns that accompany the healing experience. I often reflect on how similar they are at all levels, from physical to emotional to relationship to financial, and from individual to family to team to community to society to global and beyond. […]
2018 has been a year of deep karmic releasing at a personal and public level. It has exposed our weaknesses, pushed public scandals into the open and required us to go deep into facing our own part in human suffering. It was inevitable. That’s the nature of the Chinese Year of the Earth Dog. It […]
It’s money again. I keep going on about it and I notice that it’s not the most popular subject. BUT I also notice that everyone I meet has some issue with money which they would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to solve, however wealthy or poor they are. The tricky thing is that you can’t solve it if […]
There’s something intriguing about predictions, and doubly so when they tend to be highly accurate. For the last five years I’ve invited Aleksandra Dorann to do a webinar about the energy of the coming year. Her work is based in Chinese Metaphysics, including systems developed by advisers to the emperors of China for making the country’s most […]
With Aleksandra Dorann If you want to book a session with Aleksandra, please check our her website. If you want to check your personal element, please check out the Ba Zi calculator on Dragon Gate. If you’re interested in The Consciousness of Money, please check out our website.
Happy New Year. The Chinese Year of the Earth Pig started 4 February. This is based on the solar year, which begins every 4 February – separate from the traditional Chinese New Year celebration based on the lunar year. Each year, certain patterns of energy have considerable influence over us all. It’s helpful to know […]
What would it be like to have a process you could use consistently to access your inner wisdom? So that each time you have a decision to make you have an inner source you can rely on that provides you with a wise, loving perspective and lifts you to a higher place. What would it […]
Let’s start by looking at an unconscious relationship with money. What might that look like? Ignoring itBeing afraid of losing itTrying to hold onto itLetting it slip through your hands too easilyAvoiding making financial decisionsObsessing about your financesSaying money isn’t importantUsing money as the measure of your personal valueNever having enough of itNot knowing what […]
Karma affects us all in ways far more fundamental and continuous than we often realize. It operates at levels so personal and intimate that it’s as much a part of us as the air we breathe. This isn’t bad news. Understanding this root of karma is key to understanding how, as human beings, everything we […]
A friend was recently stung by 25 angry bees. As she ran to the shower to get them out of her hair, her first thought was to relax. This simple response prevented the stings from swelling up. Her next thought was to relax with the dog who had been stung all over his face. He […]
It’s so easy to take your energy for granted, until it starts to run out. If you’ve experienced burnout you know just how horrible that is. It’s the strangest feeling not to have any motivation or enthusiasm for anything and to need to rest almost all the time. I did it twice in my earlier […]
When you don’t know what to do next, it’s most likely that you immediately start thinking and your energy rushes into your head. You race around mentally and often end up not making great decisions. It goes something like this: “Well, I could do this, or I could do that. This might be best but […]
Outer work and inner work Many of the people I meet care deeply about the state of the world and the future of humanity. They go out of their way to make a difference through their work and also in their personal and family life. At the same time, it’s easy to feel somewhat powerless […]
You have a great idea that’s going to help lots of people. It makes you feel good even thinking about it. You can imagine what the world will be like when your new idea starts spreading. The potential for transformation is exponential. This is the dream – doing what you love and being successful. And […]
A beautiful request is a way to set an intention or ask for help that’s aligned with your heart and your whole being. It’s the first and most important step in the process of manifestation. Beautiful requests create tangible, positive results in any area of your life. Making such requests means partnering with consciousness and […]
I’m inviting you to taste a delicious way of being and living. It’s a call from the future into a life you know deep in your essence, but you may have found hard to create. There’s a new consciousness establishing itself on our planet. It’s very light, super-creative and intrinsically aligned with life. You may […]
Your financial commitments are not always as you expect them to be. Your first financial commitment is to want things, to love to have things and to truly enjoy the process of getting more things. This is not because the things themselves are so important, but wanting things gives you the opportunity to grow and […]
I’m about to start the first Consciousness of Money retreat in a series we’re running in USA between now and the end of June. I’m sitting on a deck, surrounded by the vineyards of Napa Valley in California, preparing for another very special experience. Every time I sit down with a group of people who […]
If you’ve been a goal-driven, success-oriented, financially-focused business owner, you may find at some point that you don’t have the motivation and drive you used to. When this happens you’ll probably try to work hard to get your drive back. You may experience depression or anxiety, or both. To some it feels more like burnout. […]
Everything you say, think and feel is essentially a command into consciousness. It gives an instruction to the universe, or life, that is equivalent to a wish that must be fulfilled. Life responds by delivering these instructions. This is the process of manifestation. It means that your words, as well as your thoughts and feelings, […]
Last weekend I was invited to attend various ceremonies to celebrate the return of Mungo Man to country. He is the skeleton of a man who lived some 42,000 years ago near a former lake in the interior of Australia. He was discovered by a geomorphologist called Jim Bowler in the 70s and taken to […]
There’s something very special about gratitude because it opens you and creates flow. We tend to think of gratitude, at a normal everyday level, as being thankful for what you receive. Somebody gives you a present and you say thank you. You say thank you for things that have happened or the people who are […]
At a recent event I came up with the concept of working light as an alternative to working hard or working smart. Since then I’ve recorded a series of energy activations exploring this as it was a new way of experiencing work. Here are the keys to working light: GroundingIt’s essential to be grounded and […]
In 2016 she predicted explosive changes, conflicts and clashes between the old and the new, a year of huge changes and transformations. She also predicted the deaths of many famous people. That was the year of Brexit, the Trump election and a string of celebrity deaths, starting with David Bowie. The underlying opportunity of the […]
Please scroll down for links. Discover your personal element Do you suspect you have an issue with karma? Book an appointment with Sarah to discuss how you can release it this year: Do you want to explore how your personal energy will work in the year of the earth dog? Book a Personal […]
“Willpower is a limited resource.” That was the conclusion of research by Roy Baumeister in the 90s that influenced an entire generation. “Willpower doesn’t get used up after all.” That was the news in 2015 when new research, led by Evan Carter, found the old idea was not supported by the evidence. “Willpower doesn’t work.” That’s the title of a new […]
There’s a new technology we’re hearing more and more about. I first learned of it around the year 2000 and it sounded very strange in those days. We called it “life technology”. I now use the expression “inner technology”. I see inner technologies as an advanced way for human beings to learn, grow and develop […]
In all the business communities I belong to there’s a tremendous focus on GSD – getting stuff done. I get it. There’s a great satisfaction in getting a lot done in a day and checking things off your to do list. But I notice something else. While some people are clearly much better than others […]
I connect with some successful people. They’ve worked very hard and they’ve worked very smart to get to where they are. By most people’s standards they’ve made it – although they may not always feel that way themselves because there’s so much more ahead of them. But there’s a problem which especially affects smart, capable […]
Do you love your work? And a slightly different question. Do you love working? It surprised me when I moved to Australia and I found so many people wanting to retire as early as possible. My Chinese Master taught me to expect to work until the day I die so I’ve never had any imagination […]
I saw this today on Facebook. It felt so appropriate for this time – and strangely familiar at the same time. It turned out to be a quote from my own book, Love Money, Money Loves You. This is the energy of money, talking to us. “You will get the resources and abilities you need […]
I believe work is one of the things that defines us as human beings, along with our relationships. It’s our way of contributing to the society we live in, and it’s a powerful way of creating meaning. To pile all of that into a relentless sense of pressure and unhappiness and stress and dissatisfaction is […]
There are some common myths about purpose that are very unhelpful. One is that once you know your purpose you’ll be filled with passion and never feel lost or confused again. Another is that your purpose is the work you should be doing and it will make sense of the rest of your life. There’s […]
I was at a course recently and in a group exercise one man shared how his daily pain and struggle is about impact. He’s no longer fighting to make more money, but he’s fighting in exactly the same way to make more impact. It occurred to me that impact is rapidly replacing money as a […]
Enough blame I was talking with a man the other day who has a huge plan to transform “the system.” It’s a beautiful plan and he’s done a lot of work and made a lot of connections to bring his vision into being. The problem is he’s so angry with the current system that it’s […]
There’s a place inside you that dances with the unknown every day. It’s the place that’s alive, wild, awake and knows joy. There’s another place inside you that’s terrified of the unknown. It’s all about control and it puts up a great pretence that it’s in charge. Of course it’s a lie. If we were […]
I get asked this question so often. People feel they don’t know their own value and therefore don’t know how to value their work. But what does it mean to value yourself? What value could possibly be put on you and your life? I find the question meaningless. I understand why we look to know […]
The Game of Separation It’s a game of separation, imagining that we are independent of each other. When you play this game, you believe you can hide yourself from others. You have secrets. You collect things for yourself. You believe that if you get something, someone else loses. You’re afraid of dying because you will […]
There are some leaders who have no choice but to step out of the mainstream and make an impact beyond taking care of themselves, their family, their team and their clients. They’re drawn to a greater contribution – to create an example for others, and they’re deeply driven to live and work by their deeper values.This […]
Children like sweet things. Parents try to control how much sweet stuff their children eat. They fight as they go past the sweets in the supermarket. Children kick and scream when they’re not allowed extra cake. They eat too much at parties and feel sick afterwards. They spend their pocket money on small sweet objects […]
My Chinese master used to say, “You can’t have peace if you don’t solve your problems.” I’m not sure that I really understood her at the time. I hadn’t seen into enough people’s lives to realise just how expensive and destructive it is to maintain problems. Think of the mental space that’s occupied when you […]
If he’d given up, his family would be without a father, his business without a leader and the world would be the poorer for it. If she’d given up, she would be single, lonely and working ultra hard in her business to make up for what she’d done in her personal life. If he’d given […]
There’s a desire to be wild. It’s so indescribably beautiful and yet so terrifying. Look at the wildness of nature. It’s free. It has its harmony and patterns. It produces magnificence, wonder, breath-taking awe. And the wilderness – nature’s peak experience. Away from the manufactured world, away from the interference of humanity. Life unfolding in […]
Imagine for a moment that your life potential is a collection of seeds. There are many types of seeds and they all grow in slightly different conditions and take varying amounts of time to mature. Some of them are seeds of trees, some of tiny wild flowers. There are fruits, vegetables and herbs and many […]
Many times people say they don’t want peace. It sounds boring. There’s not enough drama – nothing to be excited about any more. Yes, that’s true. And the funny thing is that often when you first experience it, it does feel boring. Because there’s really not much going on. So much less noise inside your […]
“I want you to love me.” These were the first words that appeared from my pen when I was asked to write about “What money wants to say to you.” They were totally unexpected. It had never occurred to me that money would have anything to say to me (or to anybody, for that matter), […]
Imagine learning to ski by reading a book. Or learning arithmetic by going out on day trips. Or learning culture by sitting in front of a television. Or learning joy by reading academic papers. It’s not going to happen. So what about learning happiness? This is an interesting one. My personal view is that we […]
Today I was asked to lead a live energy activation on the topic of how to provide support in challenging times. It was requested in response to the fire in London but this is a topic that could be requested every week, if not every day, somewhere in the world. You can listen to it […]
You can see they’re struggling emotionally and you soooo want to help. You’re full of good ideas about what they need to do and you share them freely. You’re met by some resistance, but you plough on, knowing they’re having a hard time – they just need a bit of your wisdom and everything’ll be […]
I know a man who loves his car. It always looks good, of course – shiny on the outside and immaculately clean on the inside. But I know he also makes sure it’s always serviced on time and if there’s the slightest hint of something wrong he gets it fixed very quickly. I know many […]
Usually when I think of health it’s been all about keeping myself in a certain state of health by maintaining some good habits and ensuring I recover any time my health is compromised. Recently I’ve started to think a lot more about designing my health and it’s a completely different conversation. It pushes me to […]
What is burnout? Burnout is a major imbalance in your energy system that means you’re physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted and no longer have the energy, willpower or motivation to do what you need or want to do. It usually arises out of prolonged stress, excessive pressure and constantly driving yourself to work hard without […]
This is the most important question I’ve asked this year. It arose for the first time during the program I ran at the beginning of the year called “2017: Let’s Start It With Love”. I knew from the beginning that 2017 would be a challenging year. But I also knew that it would be a […]
People often say “I feel out of balance” or “My life has got out of balance”. Then they try very hard to get back into balance but it’s challenging, especially if you’ve let things go for a while. I’ve found it’s a lot easier if you balance your energy first of all. This means you […]
That’s the challenge. It’s easy to think about making a difference. It’s easy to wish you were making more difference. It’s easy to simply worry about the state of the world. But none of that makes the difference you’re longing to make. When I was younger I was very active in the environmental and development […]
We tell stories all the time. It’s the way we create meaning in our lives. Often those stories get old and aren’t useful any more. That’s the time to change your story. It’s way more powerful than you might imagine. Here’s an energy activation and a 20 minute talk on how to do it. How […]
Our financial systems are currently evolving very rapidly and it’s likely to continue for the foreseeable future. This level and speed of change tends to create insecurity for some and opportunity for others. But this is not only about money as cash and transactions. It’s not only about the rapid growth in crypto-currencies and the […]
As you know my superpower is love and learning that was so very liberating for me. That knowledge gave me the great freedom to “spread the love” so to speak. Now this isn’t in a weird way but in an energy way. I actually LOVE money, I have seriously improved my energetic love of money […]
Last weekend, I hosted a gathering at my house called The Consciousness of Money. Nine of us spent 3 days together in a deep exploration of our relationship with the Energy of Money. It called for us to be honest, kind, receptive and generous. It stretched our capacity and shifted our views of ourselves and […]
A couple of weeks ago I shared an email from a client called “Now for my great friend, money.” She shared her exploration and results of developing a friendship with money as she’s come to understand that it’s an energy, it’s alive and it responds to the way we relate to it. Yesterday she sent […]
Why? If you want to make wise decisions consistently you need to create an environment that supports the growth of wisdom. This framework outlines a way of doing that. Step 1 – Set Up Your Life For Wisdom Develop a daily practice of meditation. It’s much easier to be wise when you’re relaxed and at […]
It’s possibly the hero’s quest of our time. The quest for meaning in a world that appears to have gone crazy. If you’re one of those people who gets up everyday facing your own demons and struggling with purposelessness, pointlessness and hopelessness, I want to say thank you. You’re doing something for all of us […]
What an extraordinary experience, to spend 8 weeks in deep enquiry into wisdom, purpose and integrity, in a community of gamechangers. This was the first Gamechangers GO program, which is ending this week. Although I founded the course myself, along with my friend Douglas Tsoi, and I knew the curriculum in advance of all the […]
If you’re thinking all evening and all weekend about business, you won’t ever really enjoy being with your family. If you’re happy and feeling good with your family, you’re unlikely to be thinking about business except when it’s the right time for it, which is usually when you’re working. But the big question is how […]
It’s funny how we’ve become so obsessed with this little phrase, “I’m not good enough.” What would it take to just admit it? To stop struggling and pretending that you’re good enough and be honest with yourself to say you’re not. Of course many of us were told it when we were little and it […]
2017 is going to be a year of fast manifestation*. That means that what you think about will happen more quickly than before. This is great news if you’re loving the life you’re living and happy to manifest more of it. It’s more challenging if you’re not too happy with what’s showing up right now. […]
Will it work for me? I’ve tried so many times, done so many courses and bought so many promises but I’m still in the same place. Nothing has worked yet so why should this be any different? It’s a fair question. There are two myths that underlie this question and there’s also some real truth […]
How does it really work? That’s the question I asked myself over and over again. What’s the key to living the life I really want? Or is it just fantasy? Is it childish to imagine I can have a dream and turn it into reality? Is it time to grow up and realise that life […]
Have you ever noticed the questions you’re asking in your mind? I often have a big question rolling around in my head. I play with it, tease it out and experiment with different answers to see what they feel like. It’s the main way I research new solutions to problems. I notice that some people […]
If you long for high quality conversation about topics that will stretch you as a human being (not just as a human brain) I’m starting a monthly free online Conversation Beyond Intelligence. It will be Thursday evenings in USA, which is Friday lunchtimes in Australia – 3rd week of every month. For the last few […]
It’s a very tricky area, making predictions, and yet I notice how compelling a good prediction is. I used to get sucked into reading horoscopes, even when I knew they weren’t giving me any useful information at all. There’s also something fascinating and maybe rather scary about a psychic who can tell you confidently what’s […]
Introducing 2017 – Chinese Year of the Fire Rooster – another challenging year, but full of opportunity if you understand how to handle the energy it will bring. Chinese Metaphysics The ancient Chinese developed an extraordinary way of observing and describing patterns in every aspect of life. They used the language of nature to describe […]
I believe my real job as a human being is to create a life worth living. I’m not sure if anyone else can tell me what my life should be, but I can decide for myself what I consider a life worth living and test it out to see how well it works. I’m constantly […]
The word “thrive” conjures up so much vitality and abundance to me. It’s a great way to live and it’s what I want to see in everyone around me. It’s also what I long for in our environment and for the future – a thriving planet, thriving humanity, thriving communities and thriving individuals. So the […]
Imagine your life like a painting. You’ve been given a canvas on which to create your vision, an abundance of resources to paint with, some starting points for ideas – and you can do whatever you want with it all. How’s the painting of your life shaping up? It appears to me that we have […]
“That’s a nice coat,” he said from behind me as I was about to cross the road in San Francisco this morning. I turned towards him to smile and he said, “Pretty eyes too.” While I was trying to figure out who he was from his long shaggy grey hair, empty bottle in his back […]
This is an edited transcription of a live “activation” I recorded this morning. It’s a topic to reflect on, to contemplate, to roll around and play with – endlessly fascinating. If you prefer to listen to the original recording here it is. It lasts 25 minutes and is very relaxing, so sit back and close […]
This is an edited transcript of a live activation I recorded last week. Click here to listen to the 30 minute recording. We each have our own unique energy patterns, our own way of feeling high and low. These patterns repeat themselves over and over again. They’re the emotional waves of our life. In our […]
Here is an audio activation to help you relax. It’s perfect for the holidays, the weekend, or just because it’s always good to relax. It lasts 30 minutes. It’s best to listen on headphones and sit in a comfortable chair with your eyes closed. Click here to listen to Relax on Holiday audio
Sometimes it feels like life is against you. You’re moving along nicely, everything’s flowing better than usual, you’re beginning to relax…and then it hits you. Someone treats you outrageously badly and you know you don’t deserve it. Something happens that wouldn’t have happened to anyone else – so why does it always happen to you? […]
It doesn’t matter if it’s physical, emotional, your relationship or your business that needs healing, it can take enormous patience to go all the way to full health. So many people give up on the way because they miss the little signs that indicate improvement. It’s like the first flowers in spring that inevitably lead […]
It’s so easy to take them for granted – the other people in your life. Maybe you work really hard, running a business, sacrificing your time and energy to create a great lifestyle for your family, or your employees. Maybe you work really hard, taking care of the kids, organising the family and making sure […]
Imagine your body is like a small child. What would happen to that small child if… … every time you look at it you’re full of hatred, disgust or disappointment. … you punish the child with harsh words every time it makes a mistake. … you fill it with fear at every meal time. “This […]
There’s fluttering in your stomach and your chest feels tight. There’s so much to do and no time to recover. You have to keep going because no one else can do it. So you keep on pushing…and pushing…and pushing. Thoughts about work-life balance pass through your mind but that’s for another day when there’s more […]
If you’re always tired you have a chronic imbalance in your energy. It’s usually caused by chronic stress. This is how it works. You’re tense and stressed. Your body contracts. This also contracts the meridians, or energy channels that carry the energy through your body. You’re now receiving less energy because the meridian capacity is […]
Sometimes when I sit down to connect with my inner wisdom I go through lots of hurdles before the connection is really clear. When I’m very relaxed it’s easy. I can chat away with my higher self as if with my best friend. But if I’ve been too involved in business or other mental activities […]
It seems to me that wisdom is the most important thing we can learn this century. Without it we will struggle to make sense of life. And yet you can complete 18+ years of formal education and come out of it with remarkably little of it. You can do a Masters or a PhD and […]
Where can you find your purpose? Is it a mission you’re supposed to complete? Is it finding the right job? Is it following your passion? Suppose you don’t feel passionate about anything? Or you’re not doing quite the right job? Or you have no idea of your mission, even if you feel there is one […]
When I was young a person of integrity was someone who kept their word and had a strong moral sense. They were honest people you could rely on. But I sense there’s a new level of integrity that we’re stretching towards. It links the older meaning of honesty with the other meaning of the word, […]
It can be lonely, being a solopreneur. You learn how to do everything yourself, and often make the mistake of doing things that you can easily outsource. It seems quicker, easier or more efficient in the moment to keep doing it yourself. It becomes hard to imagine what it would be like to work with […]
I was 7 years old and I had my nurses uniform on. It gave me a strange feeling of being able to help people in a special way. It’s very difficult to describe, even now, but it was a feeling of being able to love and give and heal, although I had no words for […]
Doubt. That feeling that the ground you’ve been standing on for so long is not as solid as it was before. That you don’t know what you’re doing or where you’re going as clearly as you did only recently. The sense that things are changing and you don’t quite know who you are any more. […]
When I used to let go of old energy, old ideas, old stuff, it all got rather messy. I didn’t feel good. My body reacted with symptoms of sickness. My mind reacted with emotions like doubt, fear, depression and anxiety. I said things I didn’t mean and then had to clean up the hurt. I […]
These are the topics of my new course Gamechangers GO, which started 3 weeks ago. I’m taking part, as a student, and I’ve been surprised each week just how challenging it’s been. I decided to join in because when I saw the curriculum that my co-founder, Douglas Tsoi, was putting together, partly based on my […]
A little girl saw a tall mountain in the distance. Her heart leapt and she longed to be on top of the mountain. Every day she observed the rain, the sun and the clouds as they passed across the summit. And every day she cried because she was living on flat ground and she had […]
Let’s learn a little bit of Chinese philosophy today. It’s extremely practical. For thousands of years Chinese emperors based all their major decisions on this philosophy, also their military, business and personal relationship strategy. It’s had a huge influence on western organisations from the CIA and KGB (strangely) to Cricket Australia. The Chinese always looked […]
I would like to tell you to love me. Smile at me. Collect me. Enjoy me. Feel my power. Spend me. Invest me. Give me. Pay with me. Take me. I am an energy. I am very powerful and beautiful. I am an incredible web of connections. I am light. You are too afraid of […]
Look back at your vision. It shows you where you want to go. It’s like a map with a path drawn on it, to guide you which direction to take in your life. But there are many different ways for you to do the same journey. If you drive from London to Rome you can […]
Take a look at your to-do list diary for today and listen to the voice inside your head. Very often it’ll sound something like this: I have to get … done by 12 pm. I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. I have to speak to Jane before she leaves. I have to get […]
2016 A time bomb Explosive change Innovation A year of changes and transformations A year of conflicts and clashes between the old and the new Liberation from control There was a big shift in the energy of the world in early February. I don’t know if you noticed it. Luckily I had been warned. For […]
Who do you blame if you’re not enjoying yourself? Your business because there’s so much to do? Your team because they’re not engaged? The government because it’s making bad decisions? Your investors, your customers, your to-do list? Your partner because they’re expecting too much? Or they’re disconnected from you? Or they’re too busy? Or they […]
If you want to find out more about Aleksandra’s Chinese Metaphysics consultations, please email her at: This is what someone said after consulting her about last year. “Through your website I was privileged to be on last year’s Wood Goat, Chinese Metaphysics presentation with Aleksandra Dorann. I was truly amazed with how much her […]
Is there someone you idolize or put on a pedestal? Someone who produces an emotional response in you because they’re so amazing? Someone you could spend all day watching or listening to? That person holds one of the keys to your greater potential. It’s very common for us to suppress our greatest characteristics. For example […]
Someone has just pushed your buttons. You’re triggered big time. You can’t fight back – It’s just not the way you do things. You can’t run away – that’s not the type of person you are. You can’t freeze – you have to handle the situation. You have to respond. You have to keep everything […]
Beggars wait. They wait all day. They wait for someone to dispense something to them. They wait for someone to be nice to them. And they wait for it to rain. They are the ultimate expression of what it means to wait. And the rest of us? What are we waiting for? An opportunity to […]
Maybe sell my business/start all over again/escape? Try it. I tried for 10 years, maybe more. Every time I got bored with a project I moved to another one. When I needed variety I moved country, sometimes within a day or two of making the decision. I spent 13 years living in a remote part […]
I’ve seen a lot of beauty in the last few days and I can’t help reflecting that if we spent more time appreciating beauty or creating it the world would simply be a better place. You can’t help but become calmer in its presence. I’m driving across the Australian outback, from Melbourne in the south […]
I came top in almost every subject all the way through school. It wasn’t hard for me, it was just the way my brain worked. But it took me a very long time to figure out why it didn’t automatically lead to success and happiness. I had done everything I was told to do, and […]
I woke up this morning with the words ringing in my ears, “You’re always in your own head”. I thought of many failed communications. Times when I really expressed myself. Times when I let my hair down and said exactly how I felt. Times when I shared myself without editing. Those were useful times for […]
“One should always be drunk. That’s all that matters…But with what? With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you chose. But get drunk.” Charles Baudelaire “Is it normal that I can only drink half a glass of wine now?” It’s a question I’ve been asked many times by clients after a month or two […]
It feels like you’ve been kicked in the guts. You can’t believe he said that to you. He must have known how much it would hurt you. How could he do that? She’s going on at you again. You’ve had enough. She’s the only person who can make you feel so angry. It’s her fault […]
It takes more willpower to… …relax than to remain stressed. …be happy than to be depressed. …do great work than to get stuff done. …connect with your purpose than to keep doing what you always do. …make a wise decision than to make a decision anyway. So how do you develop will power? By being […]
Sometimes I’m faced with someone who’s suffering so much that it brings up a surge of anger and powerlessness in me. I find myself asking a huge “WHY?” in my mind. WHY do some people suffer so much in a world that contains so much beauty? WHY can someone feel so hopeless and so isolated […]
It’s great to be in flow. It’s feels such a good place to be – floating your way through life. But the ancient Chinese system of energy, which teaches you how to get into flow, is based on a principle of balance. I was just talking to an acupuncturist about digestion and he talked about […]
It’s incessant – the mental chatter. Whatever you do, you just can’t stop thinking. You’re thinking when you wake up, when you go to sleep, in the middle of the night and all through the day. If you try to meditate you think all the time. When you go for a walk you’re looking down […]
I’m going to give you some really bad advice this week. It’s based on a conversation I had a few days ago with Tracey Hynes who runs Maternity Care Consulting. She’s currently Director of Nursing at a hospital, which would normally be considered a huge job in its own right, Somehow she’s landed herself with […]
Amongst conscious business owners there’s a concept of fair exchange. It means that if you don’t trade for money you still need to make a balanced exchange with the client if you provide them with some product or service. In part this is to protect very kind (or confused) people from giving too much without […]
Imagine yourself in front of a desk piled high with papers that need filing. No one’s looked at them for a few months so there’s a lot to do. You have one hour available for the job. If you’re very clear, full of motivation and ready to get it done, it’s possible you could complete […]
When I was young, I was taught that our brain develops until the age of 18 and then begins the irreversible process of deterioration. It really bothered me but I wasn’t sure what to do about it. Last year I discovered that it’s not true. The brain continues to develop throughout life if given a […]
Often when you learn about spirituality or personal development, it can feel hard to imagine combining it with your current professional and family life. It seems easy enough to meditate every day, or follow your passion or change the world if you have no ties and lots of time. Try to fit that around 5 […]
Presence. This isn’t talked about often, yet it’s what I see kids crave more than anything else. It’s spending time together without an agenda. You’re not trying to get them to talk about something or learn anything. You’re not even trying to create a special time together or give them attention. You’re simply present. You […]
Healing is very simple. It’s happening all day every day, naturally. We constantly get a little out of balance and our system rebalances. When we get a cold, it heals. When we have flu, we heal. When we have an operation, we heal. Healing is what nature does. It’s an inbuilt system. If you look […]
Have you noticed that the busier you are the busier you become? It’s hard to stop. So when you go on holiday, for the first few days, it can feel really strange not having anything to do. The same is true for people who don’t do much. The less you do, the less motivation you […]
We all feel like this sometimes – even people whose lives look ok from the outside. So you’re not alone. This may not help much if you’re in the middle of things falling apart, but it can be a lonely place and you need to know that you’re not the only person who’s ever got […]
Do you remember the early years of your relationship? Was it more romantic than now? Could you go back to that? Maybe, but maybe you wouldn’t really want to. I’ve observed that the real beauty in an intimate relationship lies in its growth and development over many years. When there are problems these are the […]
According to an ancient Chinese divination system, used only by emperors and their closest advisors until very recently, everybody’s born with innate superpowers. This means we have access to special abilities that we can use to help people, grow our business or make a greater contribution. Most people have no idea what their superpowers are. […]
Almost 2 years ago I was at the World Internet Summit in Sydney and was introduced to some software that can research and write an original article on any topic you choose – or it could write 50 articles on the same topic if you want, each of them unique. I watched it in action, […]
A 44 year old man was crying in front of me. He said he hadn’t cried since he was 15. He thought he was having a nervous breakdown. I know he’s experiencing one of the greatest breakthroughs of his life. This is the moment he’s been searching for – the moment when his heart begins […]
“I’m weary,” said the prostate. “Why?” said the man. “Too much focus and attention,” said the prostate. It had been two years, maybe more, since the original cancer diagnosis. That was followed by tests, biopsies, procedures and a great deal of thought, worry and attention being paid to this little gland that appeared to be […]
Recently I watched the movie, Braveheart. And inevitably it stirred up in me that admiration for great heroes who will do anything for the cause. But much of what William Wallace (aka Mel Gibson) did for his cause (freedom of Scotland) and the English did for their cause (maintain power) would be called terrorism today. […]
The world needs some new heroes, but not the past great leaders who conquered nations and won wars. We’re looking for heroes with the vision to create a future we can believe in and want to experience. Heroes with the energy and ability to cooperate with each other and rise to the greatest challenges we’ve […]
If you haven’t been feeling great recently you’re not alone. So many people I speak with have been finding it hard. It started a couple of weeks before Christmas. The energy was heavy and slow. People who are prone to depression felt it was coming back again. it lasted quite a while. You may have […]
One of the things I hear very commonly is people saying “I just want to wake up feeling fresh and jump out of bed every day.” I have no idea how many people really jump out of bed every morning feeling wonderful. I suspect most people need a little preparation for the day to feel […]
Many very successful people struggle with depression, as do many people who would not be viewed as so successful. The ironic thing is that the people who are less successful often believe that if they had achieved more they wouldn’t be depressed. And the people who run larger, more demanding lives with a lot of […]
We often think of karma as a punishment for something we’ve done wrong, possibly in past lives (if you believe in reincarnation). It can appear to be the justice system of an angry, demanding God – a way to make us pay for past misdemeanours by perpetuating suffering. This is a terrible misunderstanding of the […]
Have you noticed that when you’re tense and you give instructions to your kids they often do exactly the opposite of what you want. Same goes for dogs. You’re on the phone having an important conversation. One of the children’s making a lot of noise and you nervously tell them to be quiet. They don’t […]
Around 2001 I discovered from the World Health Organisation that depression was set to become the leading cause of death and disability by 2020. Now we’re not that far away and the prediction is becoming true. Major depression (or clinical depression) is already the biggest cause of disability for 15 to 44 years in USA. […]
I just heard the other day of another poison – maybe you already knew this – apparently aluminium foil leaves trace of aluminium on the food it’s wrapped around. There are so many poisons now, it’s difficult to know what’s safe to eat and what will become unsafe tomorrow. But I personally can’t handle that […]
This is an interview I did for the Zone Show with Tom Evans about healing.
Imagine the small seed of a huge tree. It’s buried in the ground. The soil is becoming warm. The air is moist. There’s a slight stirring, a tiny expansion, a movement and from one day to the next a root is pushing down into the earth. Let me ask you a question. Was the seed […]
I meet people who believe or teach that the purpose of life is to transcend life, or transcend the illusion of life. But I wonder why would the purpose of life be to transcend life? It simply doesn’t make sense to me. It’s like saying the purpose of school is to leave school. Or the […]
Do you love your food? Do you love your body? Are you afraid of your food in case it damages you (or causes cancer, contains toxic chemicals, isn’t organic, might contain sugar)? Are you afraid of your body because it already looks damaged to you (against the impossible standard of perfection you hold in your […]
If we want the world to become a better place to live it’s important to have some imagination about how it might look – otherwise other people with more imagination are likely to end up having the power to create a world we may not like. I like to imagine some of the details about […]
Other people are already busy creating the world they want. But is it a world you will want to live in? There is plenty of investment in science and technology and it will increase, but will it give us a world we will love? Where we will all thrive? If not, what are we going […]
It’s easy to create desperation. It goes something like this in your head. “I want more joy in my life. I’ve never experienced much joy. Why didn’t I feel any joy when I was younger? Is there something wrong with me because I don’t experience enough joy? Please God, give me more joy. Please, please, […]
I’ve just been listening to someone saying, “I still don’t know what’s the best thing to do with my life.” There are several variations on this theme. I still don’t know what my true passion is. I still don’t know how I can make the greatest contribution to life. I still don’t know what would make […]
Most of us don’t value ourselves particularly highly and don’t take care of ourselves very well as a result. This has an impact on others, whether we’re aware of it or not. If you want to expand your impact you want to be sure you’re taking the very best care of yourself first, so you’re […]
The first key to expanding your personal and professional impact is to love and respect your body. I believe this should be the first instruction in every business book, every course and every piece of business advice – but sadly it’s not. If you want to be successful and happy you need to be fully […]
Let’s make it really simple. The number one thing that I would say every single person should do every single day is to relax. This might sound obvious, or it might sound rather naive, but I’m not talking about what most people seem to take as relaxation. Reading a book is stimulating, not truly relaxing. […]
This is simple to describe. It’s hugely valuable to do. Put yourself in another person’s shoes. Make a practice of it. Spend a few minutes every day feeling and experiencing what it’s like to be someone else. It might be someone in your business – even a person you find it hard to understand. It […]
The way we’ve learned to work is a very mental process. We usually solve problems by applying our mind. It works to a certain extent, especially with practical issues, but the mind is not very good at human relationships. It’s like trying to relate to a robot. There’s no feeling of connection or human warmth. […]
Most of us grew up with a rather limited view of intelligence that was defined by IQ tests and academic work. At one point we may also have learned about emotional intelligence. Development Theory has now shown you need 7 core intelligences if you want to express your greatest potential. If any of them is […]
The sparks are flying…you’re furious…she’s done it again. Why do people keep getting at you like this? What have you done to deserve it? It’s so unfair. We all get triggered by people from time to time. Most commonly it’s our partner and close family members who spark the triggers. Colleagues may also know exactly […]
It’s rather surprising, if you stop to think about it, that it’s quite normal for business people to create significant success without ever really becoming clear about their true nature as a human being. There’s a cost to this ignorance. Firstly, you can end up wealthy and successful, but your life can still lack intrinsic […]
Imagine your life as the music created by an orchestra. It’s a vast array of varied tones that combine to tell a story in sound. There are tones that make up your body – the colour of your hair, the shape of your nose, the trillions of interactions of your cells every second. There are […]
Why do the people who are closest to us seem to be the ones who also hurt us the most? In my experience it’s no coincidence. When we understand what relationships offer us, especially in their more painful moments, it opens us up in ways that we would never otherwise discover. In fact, it’s one […]
A bad mood can easily get a grip on you, but it is a good idea to shift your mood as soon as you can. Being in a bad mood prevents you from attracting positive experiences, and it is unpleasant for you and everyone who comes in contact with you. Sometimes we feel we have […]
When you get stuck in your head and lose connection with your heart it is difficult to relate to people and to life in a way that feels satisfying. Even if you are doing everything “right” on paper it just doesn’t feel right from the inside. We live in a very head-based culture, with a […]
I want to share a small piece of information about pain that is the key to healing. If you suffer from pain you may be sick of empty promises about healing, but this is a way to heal pain that people rarely seem to understand, even when they have worked with many very experienced healers. […]
I’d like to share with you a really simple tool for raising your spirit and improving your mood. Personally I find it much more powerful than gratitude. Here is the easy way to get into it. Think of anything in your life that you appreciate and say something like this: I appreciate … because … […]
Miracles have been getting a bad press recently. So many promises have been made over the years by so many teachers, but many people have not experienced the results they expected. And yet, I want to hold out for miracles. Another one happened just yesterday. The most common miracles for me take place in relationships. […]
Can you imagine working really hard to climb a steep mountain, only to discover when you get to the top that you feel disappointed. It’s nothing like you expected. Now imagine working hard all your life to achieve success, and discovering when you get there that it’s not what you were looking for. Not because […]
The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz has been recommended to me many times so finally I got round to listening to it as an audiobook. I was hooked from the very first story – a beautiful, simple explanation of how we transmit love to one another. He goes on to give a masterful description […]
Overall priority Explore in every direction that God (Infinite Light, Source, the Divine or whatever suits you) is always with you and with everyone and everything. That in God’s world there is no right and wrong, no good and bad. There is simply “what is.” Making choices Then make personal choices of what you want […]
It is important because it is causing huge suffering in ‘normal’ families everywhere, and no one knows what to do about it. Vast amounts of money are being spent medicating people and treating people with a huge range of therapies, without doing the one thing that really needs to come first. Let’s first describe some […]
Did you set out on the journey of awakening without any map to guide you? Most of us did! And most of us spent a lot of time, energy and money on the promise of instant results. It’s not that instant results don’t happen. They do – frequently. In fact my first ever venture into […]
It’s amazing how often I hear someone say something like this: “I pray or talk to God (or Source, the Divine, the Creator, Energy…) every day but I never get any answers. I wish I could have two-way communication.” So let’s explore how to get two-way connection with any Divine source or being you choose. […]
We are vibrational beings. So you can imagine each of us is like a rich sound that is made up of an incredible array of different tones, each represented by a particular vibration. If a sound is beautiful it is made up of tones that harmonise naturally with each other. If a sound is very […]
It seems such a little thing – to relax. We think we are doing it when we read a book or watch TV. And that is relaxation, up to a point. But there is so much more. After almost 25 years of learning about life and how to develop myself I still find simple relaxation […]
How aware are you of the changes that are currently taking place in our society, and especially our technology? Let me ask that once again – how aware are you really? I spent the day yesterday listening to Roger Hamilton, brilliant futurist, social entrepreneur and Founder of Wealth Dynamics. What I heard has such far-reaching implications for […]
The Year of the Wood Horse – that’s what the Chinese call 2014. But what does this mean? In a webinar last week with Chinese Metaphysics expert, Aleksandra Dorann, we discovered how the extraordinary knowledge of ancient China reveals patterns that influence us all. To summarise very briefly, the Chinese describe energy and the cycles […]
Sometimes when I sit down to communicate with my Higher Self I seem to have to go through lots of hurdles to get the connection really clear. When I am very relaxed it is easy and I can chat away like to my best friend. But if I have got a bit too involved in […]
He says something that drives you crazy. He’s said it many times before. She does something that you can’t stand and it looks like she’ll never change, because she’s been doing it like that ever since you met. You have been triggered by something and it sets off a little storm inside your head. You […]
If you have any kind of imbalance in your digestive system you will probably have spent some time adjusting your diet and wondering what’s the best food to eat. I wrote about this some months ago and explained why I believe it is so important to focus more on strengthening your digestive system than on what food you […]
In 2006 a scientific study was published that dramatically changed our understanding about health. A group of men with low grade prostate cancer, who had chosen not to undergo conventional treatment, experienced a 12 week program of comprehensive lifestyle changes which consisted of: A largely vegetarian diet with a few supplements Moderate exercise – walking for 30 […]
Everywhere I go I don’t know so I follow signs within muster confidence sans attachment that I’ll reach the top. Incline so subtle I don’t realise my heart beats faster until I reach the point of no return. I clamber onward my mind falters with its body set to crumble. I doggedly grasp at […] This is an extract from the Life Alchemy group session on 21.12.12 with Sarah McCrum. Please feel free to share it. It’s about 25 minutes long. The question asked by a client was “Where does really wanting something turn into neediness?” Photo by laura adai on Unsplash
I want to write about praying and how to ask for what you want from a divine source, because I have watched so many people fail in their requests. Now this is a topic on which there is always more to learn, so this is only my observation and experience so far. But I have […]
As human beings we have a natural attraction to the Light, just as trees and plants are naturally drawn to grow upwards towards the sun. There appears to be an almost universal desire for love, peace, joy and many other other feelings and experiences that are associated with the Light. This desire is so strong […]
I have spent a lot of time looking at resistance – my own and other people’s. It’s really tough being full of resistance, especially when you feel you should be more flexible, easy going, accepting, open, flowing etc etc etc. It’s very interesting that the more pressure you place on yourself not to be resistant […]
Did you know that there is a really simple way to predict your state of health in the future? This is not a scary thing. It’s a way to get clear so you can take preventative action. It is much better than waiting for something to happen, especially since there is so much you can […]
Some of us are called to be healers but healing is not for everyone. Just as some of us are called to be artists or business people or athletes or teachers. These are major life paths that attract us. When we slot into the ‘right’ path we feel we are on track. When we are […]
A message from Emma Be a light in your own life, so you’re a light to other people. It’s that simple. You don’t need to have anything, you don’t need to prove anything, you don’t need to be anything and you don’t need to be anybody. There is nothing that can be so wrong with […]
Do you have a partner with whom you share a strong, loving and mutually satisfying relationship? Do you feel at peace with your parents? Are you friends with your children? Do you experience love and ease in your friendships? Do you have mutually supportive and respectful relationships at work? Are you at peace with all […]
We are often promised we can find out the ultimate secrets of life if we buy this product or that course. It’s powerful marketing because it hooks into our deepest insecurities as human beings. But through more than 20 years experience of personal and spiritual training and development I have found the real secrets don’t […]
Most of us would feel pretty uncomfortable if we couldn’t brush our teeth today. I know I would be constantly running my tongue around my teeth, eating raw carrots and trying to clean them as best I could without a toothbrush. So suppose you couldn’t brush your teeth for a week? Or a month? Or […]
A few weeks ago I posted a message from Emma, our beautiful, silent neighbour*. Here is some more of what she communicated that day. She was initially addressing her family, friends and carers, but it is applicable to everyone. I want to say to you all, relax, I am having a beautiful life. I have […]
It appears to be highly acceptable these days to be very kind and loving to other people and desperately hard on yourself. I frequently meet people who wouldn’t dream of hurting another person and will go out of their way to make sure they treat others with the utmost respect and yet they are really […]
This is a question I am often asked, especially by new clients. They want me to advise them what kind of food they should eat to aid their healing. This is especially important to people who have allergies, food sensitivities, digestive disorders and the like. Here is a summary of what I have found to […]
Can you remember when you were a child? Sometimes you felt so happy for no reason whatsoever. Maybe you were just lying in the grass or on the beach or playing or doing nothing in particular. If you have spent much time in the world of personal development you may sometimes wonder what happened to […]
What is the simplest, most powerful way to change your life? Ask for help. That’s pretty much all it takes. It’s all too easy, when you are struggling with anything, to think you need to solve it on your own. We learned in school not to look at what other people were doing and not to […]
If I could start all over again, some 23 years ago, when I took my first steps into the world of personal development and raising my consciousness, there are some things I wish I could have known in advance. It would have saved me years of confusion I wish I had known… …that there is […]
This is a question I am often asked in different forms and it’s a very good one. I would give a different answer to different people depending on their situation. If you’ve spent all your life listening to other people and doing what they tell you, even against your better judgement, and you feel you’ve […]
I write and talk a lot about asking for help, because it is the simplest way of changing things in life that I have ever come across, and I feel it is highly under-rated. In fifteen years of leading daily energy sessions, I have seen time and time again that people who are able to […]
I’ve read the book “Love Money: Money Loves You“, and found it fascinating to learn that money is not “currency” but is effectively “living, intelligent energy” in its own right. The title itself was initially off-putting which is, ironically, a dead giveaway that I seriously needed to read the book itself. “Money is the root […]
Today’s session was about Money. I was volunteered to answer Elizabeth’s question, as Sarah had noticed that I was happy to channel Money. Elizabeth asked, in words to this effect, “How do I make sure I have a steady stream of money? Like, does it arrive on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays or something?” In other […]
I read a fascinating article yesterday by Paul Gorman – British marketing guru. He decided to go back to some clients who had taken some of his courses to find out what results they had achieved subsequently. There were a couple of business who reported extraordinary improvements but he was surprised to find that the […]
I have met several clients recently who insist to me that they do not sleep well because they always wake up early and are unable to sleep in. I always want to tell them how lucky they are. Many people sleep in far too easily, but it is not a healthy way to live. How […]
I am sitting looking out of the window on the 7th floor of Tower 42 in the middle of the City of London. From this height it looks almost as peaceful as a garden – only made of rooftops, treetops, some scaffolding and a few cranes. There are fluffy clouds, a hint of blue sky […]
There was an interesting exchange between two clients this morning, talking about how to get things to happen when you feel out of your depth. One of them has been made redundant and is not clear what she wants to do next. The other is doing a day job and designing a fashion collection in […]
I often notice that we have a very different attitude to the concepts of positive and negative in the west compared with the Chinese. The theory of yin and yang put positive and negative on an equal footing, in the sense that there is always a balance between the two. If either becomes too strong […]
Just over a year ago I was working with someone who often picked up inside information on government plans – the kind of stuff the general public is not supposed to know about. For example there was a big push on British people to rekindle their interest in growing vegetables, apparently because they were predicting […]
That is really strange. Just after I finished writing the last post I published it on facebook, as I usually do, and I flicked quickly through the comments on my facebook page. One of them caught my eye and I remembered immediately what my friend who predicted the food shortages (see previous post) had been […]
I will never forget a couple I met in New Zealand several years ago. I learned through several conversations about how the man had had very serious lung cancer some years before. He had three rounds of chemotherapy and now he was given a clean bill of health. That in itself was a huge achievement, […]
Just imagine this – it could become real. It is part of the corporate culture that everyone needs quality energy every day if they are going to do a good job. People in these companies are highly valued and their health and wellbeing contributes to the triple bottom line profitability. There are centres on every […]
A fascinating topic came up this morning with a group of clients. A doctor who was in India for the early part of her career was commenting on the fact that when she was 30 she was on call 24 hours a day and constantly being buzzed. She frequently had to carry out caesarian sections […]
This prayer can be read slowly, and repeatedly if necessary, to lift your spirit in a time of darkness or despair. Dear God I sit here before you and I no longer know who I am. I am lost in this world and I do not know which way to turn for help. My life […]
Be simple and all truth will be revealed. Be complicated and you will see but little. Be empty and the fullness of life wil be yours. Fill your mind and your life will be truly empty. Seek for a lot and you will find less. Seek for one thing and on the way you will […]
In my prayer I connect with the Source of all Creation, my Source, my inspiration, my life. I pray with all my heart, all my soul and all my being for all humans everywhere. I pray to lift us up, let us see the beauty of life, let us feel the unique experience we have been given. […]
The new currency is based on contribution – a person’s contribution to life itself. You should understand that money (or the new currency) is not actually a reward for your service or contribution. It is more like a measurement. So your money at any time is supposed to be a valuation of your contribution at […]
In the last two days I have had several conversations with people who said “I should do xxx” or “I must do xxx”. Interestingly these jobs that must or should be done seem always to end up at the bottom of the list of priorities, even though the compulsion to do them appears very strong. […]
Hang on a minute. We already know it’s important to talk. We’ve been talking about talking for years. That’s true, but I wonder how good we really are at talking with (and listening to) each other. One of the things that’s come out most strongly for me in the corona situation is the challenge of […]
Чего ты хочешь по-настоящему? Это самый важный вопрос из всех, которые ты можешь себе сейчас задать. Это не вопрос о мелких жизненных вещах – одежда, дом, деньги, отпуск, путешествие. Все это тоже важно, но по своей приоритетности они не занимают первое место. Чего тебе хочется очень-очень? Чего ты ждешь с нетерпением? Что ты мечтаешь создать? […]
Уже много лет я чувствую угрозу, исходящую от технологий, в особенности, компьютерного интеллекта. Эта отрасль развивается невероятно быстро, и часто кажется, что развитие ее руководствуется человеческим желанием превзойти себя, а не мудрым и глубоко-осознанным решением. Как часто на это указывает Илон Маск, основатель и СЕО компаний Тесла и SpaceX, экстремальное технологическое развитие несет в себе […]
Давайте сегодня я поделюсь одной из основ Китайской философии. Она чрезвычайно рациональна. На протяжении тысяч лет китайские императоры принимали все свои решения, а также разрабатывали стратегии военных, торговых и личных отношений на основе этой философии. Она также очень сильно повлияла и на западные организации, начиная от ЦРУ, КГБ (как ни странно) и заканчивая австралийской командой […]
Меня часто спрашивают, что такое разум. Это вопрос, на который тяжело ответить, однако я точно знаю, что когда я использую свой разум неправильно, жизнь становится очень некомфортной. Вот вещи, о которых я напоминаю себе каждый раз, как разум пытается взять верх и начать контролировать мою жизнь. Чем разум не является: Разум не является лидером. Разум […]
Если ваша пищеварительная система не в порядке, то вы, наверняка, потратили какое-то время, пытаясь поправить свою диету, задумываясь о том, какая пища подходит вам лучше всего. Я уже писала об этом несколько месяцев назад, объясняя почему, по моему мнению, гораздо важнее сфокусироваться на укреплении всей пищеварительной системы, а не на выборе конкретной пищи. Это совсем […]
Мне часто задают этот вопрос. Людям кажется, что они не знают своей собственной ценности и поэтому затрудняются оценить свой труд. Но что это значит – ценить себя? Как вы и ваша жизнь может быть оценена? Для меня этот вопрос бессмысленен. Я понимаю, почему нам хочется дать себе оценку, но пользы в этом никогда не видела. […]
Мы входим в новое десятилетие, и я, прислушиваясь к тому, что оно нам предвещает, с удивлением чувствую нежность и уязвимость, тонкое и хрупкое чувство красоты. Снова и снова вглядываясь в будущее, я понимаю, что это не время для героизма и драмы. Нас призывают в наши сердца, в саму сущность человечности. И звучит призыв делать вещи […]
Звучит как возглас малыша, а не взрослого человека, который открывает для себя настоящую дорогу к исцелению. Я разговаривала с другом, который уже три месяца страдал от ужасной боли в спине. Он говорил о том, что был настолько сфокусирован на полном излечении, что никогда не отмечал для себя маленькие улучшения, которые все же происходили. “Все или […]
Однажды в детстве мне кто-то сказал, что мозг человека развивается до 18 лет, а потом начинается постепенный и неизбежный процесс угасания его клеток. Помню, меня тогда это очень огорчило, но что с этим делать, я не знала, поэтому пришлось просто принять этот факт. Позже я узнала, что это не так, и что мозг человека развивается […]
Гуляя вдоль берега, я задумалась и на ум начали приходить вопросы. Что есть рай на самом деле? Как рай соотносится со страданием? Что, если рай возможен только после исключительного страдания? Что, если рай это нечто другое, чем мы его представляем? Что, если рай – это не то, к чему нужно стремиться? Есть ли рай на […]
Представьте, что вы стоите перед столом: на нем лежит огромная кипа бумаг, которую нужно рассортировать.Никто не занимался этим вот уже несколько месяцев, так что работы предстоит много. Но у вас есть всего лишь час, чтобы ее выполнить. Если разум ваш ясен, вы полны мотивации и готовы довести это дело до конца, то вполне возможно, что […]
Недавно я была на курсах, и в групповом упражнении один человек рассказал о том, что все его ежедневные усилия и борьба направлены на увеличение пользы, которую он может принести человечеству. С неистового желания заработать больше денег, его фокус сместился на расширение уровня своего влияния. Мне пришло в голову, что так же, как раньше это были […]