A beautiful request is a way to set an intention or ask for help that’s aligned with your heart and your whole being. It’s the first and most important step in the process of manifestation. Beautiful requests create tangible, positive results in any area of your life.
Making such requests means partnering with consciousness and the core of your human creativity. When you form a beautiful request, it’s like a command into consciousness—so it’s an act of deep creativity. It’s an art—one you can learn, with practice.
The head and heart
As long as you’re alive you have wishes and desires. They may be simple, such as to have a successful meeting or enjoy your day or find something delicious to eat for lunch. Or they may be more complex, such as to find a new partnership for your business that fulfills specific conditions, or to organise an event that meets many different people’s expectations, or to find the best school for your children.
Some wishes arise from your heart. They feel spontaneous. They’re what you’d love to happen. Other wishes arise from your head. They’re what you think you want, or what you feel you’re supposed to want. There’s a big difference between the wishes of the heart and the head.
In the grand system of consciousness and the formation of physical reality, wishes from the heart are easy to fulfill. The energy around them tends to be clean and clear and life responds directly and naturally to them. It’s common to feel as if they’re fulfilled through synchronicity or serendipity.
Wishes from the head are much harder to fulfill. Their energy is more complex because they’re not your own deep, personal desires. They often combine other people’s expectations with your own in a way that leaves you feeling inner pressure. This creates conflicted energy. You have to work hard to fulfill these wishes because life isn’t able to respond to them directly. There’s more effort, less synchronicity.
In the art of making a beautiful request, it’s your heart that leads. The process can’t be boiled down to an exact formula even though it involves several steps. It’s how you engage with each step that makes that step effective, and that’s as much about your inner state as it is about doing it right.
Practice is the key, doing it over and over again, seeing what works and what doesn’t, and observing what the process feels like every step of the way. Your feelings become your guidance system and they determine whether your requests are successful.
How to form a beautiful request
Step 1: Combine your key challenges into one challenge
Identify one area of your life where you’d like some improvement or a good outcome. It might be an area that feels stuck, or where there are challenges at the moment, or where you’re longing for an upgrade or shift, or where you’d simply like to experience more or better. Look at all the challenges you have in that area and bring them together into one challenge.
For example, if you want to move to a new house, but you don’t have enough money to get the house you want and your partner wants a different house, you have 3 challenges:
- To buy a new house.
- To have the money for the new house.
- To find a house (or some other solution) that works for you and your partner.
If you combine them all together, your challenge becomes this: To have the money or circumstances that enable you to buy a new house that both you and your partner would love.
Step 2: Form a request for a solution to the challenge
Turn your challenge into a request. The formulation of the request is important. It must be your genuine wish for a beautiful solution—what you would love to happen, not just what would be okay or tolerable or the best under the circumstances or a compromise.
For example, I want a house that my partner and I both like that we can afford to buy. You can add as many details as you like here, or keep it simple.
Step 3: Tweak the request until it will produce a truly beautiful outcome
Feel into the request you’ve formed. Does it feel really, really good to you? How can you tweak it to make it feel even better? Play with the words and the feelings, until it feels beautiful and lights you up. When it makes you warm on the inside and a big smile breaks out across your face, you know you’ve got it. Add the words “or something better” on the end to make sure there’s a possibility for something even better than you can imagine.
The moment your face lights up is the key to the effectiveness of the whole process.
For example, I’d love to find a house beside the park where my partner and I both feel really relaxed and happy and have enough money to turn it into a beautiful home, or something better.
Step 4: Ask for it to be done for you
Imagine there’s a genie, or a wish-fulfillment system, just waiting for your request and as soon as it’s made they’ll go into action to fulfill it. Ask your genie to grant your wish.
For example, please bring me a house beside the park where my partner and I both feel really relaxed and happy as well as the money to turn it into a beautiful home, or something better.
Step 5: Do what you need to do today, beautifully
Your job now is to do whatever needs to be done as well as you can. There will be some steps you can take to help with your wish. The aim is to do these tasks, and all other tasks, beautifully and to feel as good as you can.
It’s important to understand that you’re not responsible for all of the work. Life will do a lot of it for you so think of yourself as a partner in the effort. Do your bit to help the wish fulfillment system get to work on your behalf.
For example, you may need to check out the real estate website and local agents, organise your finances, and have conversations with your partner to clarify what you both really want in your next house.
Step 6: Let go, relax, and enjoy
The delivery of beautiful requests is connected with your energy. When you’re relaxed and enjoying life it’s easy for good things to happen to you. If you’re worried and stressed your energy closes down and you delay delivery of your request.
It’s important to get out of the way as much as you can, while still taking care of your part. If you work too hard at trying to sort it all out, you don’t leave any room for the magic of life to happen. This may take some experimentation to get it right. If you do too much yourself, you slow the whole process down. If you don’t take care of your part, you don’t create the right circumstances for delivery. It’s an art!
Step 7: Remember that small daily requests make up big long-term requests
If you make a big request, there will be lots of small requests on the way to fulfilling it. It’s good to cultivate the habit of asking for everything you need every day on the way to fulfilling your major requests.
For example, you could ask for:
- a great real estate agent
- a constructive conversation with your partner
- a new contract in your business to bring in some additional income
- a relative or friend who’d love to put some money into your house
- the right house to show up quickly
- And many more
Important tips
Have the courage to ask for the full scenario—what you really want—rather than just what you think is possible or reasonable. This is very important because a truly beautiful request isn’t about compromising. It feels good because you’re not inviting compromise at all. The wish fulfilment systems responds very positively to this kind of energy.
Once you’ve made the request, it’s important to trust. Give the system time and scope to deliver. Sometimes the results turn out way better than anything you could have imagined.
Don’t be overambitious as you practice. Start with smaller requests to build up your confidence. If you have a very big request, state it, but also break it up into lots of smaller requests along the way to its fulfillment.
It’s helpful to speak your requests out loud and it’s even better when you say them to someone else who’s supportive.
Keeping a “Beautiful Requests” journal or list helps you remember and notice details you might otherwise forget or overlook, such as the form of your requests and exactly what happened in response to them. Look back through the list every so often to notice which requests have been fulfilled and to build your understanding of how powerful you really are.
Relax, enjoy, love. That’s how you create an optimal environment and energy field for wish fulfillment.
Although I’ve broken this down into several steps, and it’s very very simple in its essence, it’s often challenging to learn because we’re so used to being complicated and unclear about what we want.
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash