The Spirit of Business

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What can make your business thrive, even in difficult times? 

For me, without question, it’s your spirit. 

When you lose your spirit, it’s hard to look ahead or make decisions. You drag yourself through the day and abandon your responsibilities as you go into survival mode. You find yourself gradually shutting down and closing yourself into a small, scary world where you’re surrounded by problems and there are no solutions except bad ones. And then, of course, your spirit sinks even lower.

I know that feeling. I’ve been there myself and I’ve coached many entrepreneurs to move past it. 

It seems so important, especially now, that my friend and colleague, Matt Murphy, and I have started a podcast. Matt has over 20 years of experience running an accountancy practice in Australia, but his real gift lies in his mentorship for business owners. 

The podcast is called The Spirit of Business, and it brings together Matt’s practical approach to business and my experience with energy and mindset. 

Each episode starts with a topic that’s current and important for business owners, for example, how to respond to a crisis, how to make plans in a time of uncertainty or how to reconnect with your purpose. 

We explore the topic through conversation, and when you listen it lifts your spirit and opens you up. Then it becomes easier for you to find your own clarity with whatever issues you’re facing in your own business.

With spirit, you can face and solve every business challenge, contribute to making a better world and enjoy your life at the same time.

It’s going to be your most valuable asset in the coming months and years.

You can listen to The Spirit of Business podcast at It’s also on iTunes and Spotify.

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