This is an edited transcript of a live activation I recorded last week. Click here to listen to the 30 minute recording.
We each have our own unique energy patterns, our own way of feeling high and low. These patterns repeat themselves over and over again. They’re the emotional waves of our life.
In our culture we tend to feel disappointed when we’re in the low part of the wave and excited when we’re in the high part. But the real high we all long for is not the high that contrasts with the low. It’s beyond or beneath or inside or above (or maybe all of those) the ups and downs of the waves.
The ups and downs are the yang and the yin. They belong with each other and you can’t have one without the other. But the down doesn’t need to spin you off into disappointment, self doubt and self judgement. And the up doesn’t need to spin you off into excitement, self congratulation and self satisfaction.
At the core of you you’re not affected by the ups and the downs. They put the colour (or the shade and the light) into your daily life but if you want to experience heaven, if you want to experience true peace and joy, you won’t find them in the ups.
Peace and joy are what you experience in your core. They carry through the heart in a straight line, while the ups and the downs play their games all around. If you can allow yourself to really relax you may be able to touch into that peace and joy that lives in the core of all the moving parts of your emotions.
Please don’t try to find this, because the more you try, the more it will elude you. But if you can be quiet and relax for a while, whilst your emotions bounce around playing their games, giving you ups and downs, light and shade, in the core is always peace, always joy, always love and always beauty.
Can you imagine a painting that’s all shade and no light? Or a painting that’s all light and no shade? The beauty is found in the way you play with light and shade, with yang and yin, with up and down. The light is not the beauty. The shade is not the part that’s wrong.
Deep down in the depths of your most challenging moment lies the birth of your greatest achievements. High up in the heights of your highest moment lies the view of another valley, another peak, another place to go.
You can experience peace as you walk downhill and as you walk uphill, when you’re on top and can see the view for miles around and when you’re at the bottom and there’s no sunlight.
That part which is steady inside you is at peace, even when your life is turbulent. It’s here. It’s always present. There’s a stillness inside you, which creates a deep peace that can never be disturbed.
At the core of your life is love so profound that nothing can take it away. Even if you only touch a tiny edge of it, or it appears through a veil or covered over, it’s still there. It holds you even when you’re quite unaware and it’s in moments of deep inner quiet, that you might find it.
The good feeling you crave as a human being is not to be found in the highs or lost in the lows. It persists in the core of you whether you’re aware of it or not. And it helps to take time every day to connect with it.
I lead a live activation every day which you’re welcome to join. It lasts 30 minutes. It’s deeply relaxing and provides a daily “upgrade” to your inner system, building energy, resilience and personal sustainability. Every day is a different topic, suggested by one of the participants. Please click here if you’d like to receive instructions on how it works and how to join. It’s free.