An Advanced Technique For Handling Today’s Pressure

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I received an email yesterday from someone I worked with a few years ago. She asked me if there’s some disturbance or change in the energy at the moment because it feels like everything’s getting out of control, not only for her but for many people around her. 

We’re living in a time of rapid change and if you’re sensitive you can feel it energetically, as well as through observation of the external world. It’s uncomfortable at a physical and emotional level and then the mind gets busy trying to figure out what’s wrong. 

It’s easy to take it personally and often the disturbance appears in a relationship or your health or at work. It can feel like you’ve gone back to where you were some years ago, as if everything you’ve learned in your personal and spiritual development isn’t working any more. It can also feel as if everything’s going crazy for no obvious reason. It’s worse when there’s a lot of craziness in the public arena because it reflects what’s going on inside you. 

In this situation it’s helpful to realise that whatever’s going on is not all about you. It’s easy to say the words “we’re all connected” but it’s a different thing to understand them and live accordingly. It’s true that we’re all connected and knowing this allows you to handle pressure in a different way.

In our modern culture you probably grew up seeing yourself as an individual, with personal problems and personal triumphs. You were taught to work hard and apply yourself so you can achieve more and become individually successful. When you experience failure, for example in a relationship, you experience a lot of emotion – maybe shame, guilt, anger, grief, disappointment and more. The same if you experience failure in your business or work.

But it’s not very accurate to see all these events as being totally personal. There are much bigger energies at play. You’re part of a vast field of energy that’s constantly changing and at any time it’s influencing your personal energy. Sometimes this is positive for you and helps you make improvements in your life. Sometimes it causes a loss, or a clash with someone else, or physical illness, and you may not realise exactly what’s going on. Then it feels as if it’s your problem rather than something bigger that you’re a part of.

This is not to say that you’re a victim of life. There are many things you can do to lessen the impact of unfavourable energy, so it only affects you mildly. Even better, with a degree of self-mastery, you can transcend it and turn it into an advantage – an opportunity to develop higher-level abilities. For example, a year where the energy brings turbulence is an exceptionally powerful time to develop inner peace, as long as you don’t allow yourself to get caught in the swirl of other people’s dramas.

One of the most powerful approaches of all, which develops as you gain experience, is to realise that you’re part of the collective human experience. This means that whatever you’re challenged by is matched by a species-level challenge. Whatever you heal or transform, you’re helping to heal and transform for all of us. 

When you realise that today’s craziness is not just about you but about all of us, and that you’re contributing to our common wellbeing through the way you handle the pressure, it’s a lot easier to relax about the outward signs and stay steady on the inner path of self-mastery. You may not feel instantly better, but you’ll feel a lot better about not feeling good, and that changes everything. 

It sounds like a trick of the mind, but it’s not. It’s more accurate to describe it as an evolution on your path. There comes a time when you’ve learned a certain amount and it’s time for you to upgrade. You didn’t come to earth just to pay attention to yourself and your own feelings. You came here to shine and to contribute to the common good in your unique way. 

If you stay in the personal world of “my sickness, my problems, my business, my small little world” you’re out of alignment with your deeper self. However, it’s also very important not to bypass your small self and your personal world, because you won’t create great outcomes for anyone that way. 

There’s an art and a skill to combining personal and collective transformation. It develops over years of practice. It’s satisfying and enables you to connect with your soul’s purpose. And it’s going to be very important in the coming years of likely social and environmental turbulence. 

People who know this become the pillars that support others as they’re rocked by one challenging event after another. I believe we need more people who are willing to go to the next level and work for the collective good, to help us pass more smoothly through challenging times. 

This is World Work. 

If you’re interested in developing your capacity for world work, I invite you to watch a video interview with me called Activating The New Currency: Discover your Relationship With The Generous Loving Energy of Money. You might think it’s all about money, but as you’ll rapidly find out, there’s so much more to it. 

Sandie Sedgbeer, Talk TV/Radio Host, journalist and author

Over the years, I have interviewed and worked with several experts who teach about the consciousness of money. While all have their individual approaches and merits, I always felt that an intangible “something” was missing. 

And then I met Sarah McCrum and everything fell into place. Sarah’s clarity, groundedness, and authenticity make it all so simple. She cuts right through both the “heady” stuff about money and the “woo-woo,” and instead approaches this topic from a profoundly different place by taking us straight back to the heart. 

I’ve always felt that money was never meant to be soul-less. The missing element that Sarah brings to her work with money is the highest and most powerful frequency in the universe – LOVE. It’s nigh on impossible to grasp the profundity of the difference this makes to our understanding of money, until you have listened to, worked with, and learned more about how love and money are interlinked in ways that we have never imagined. 

All I can say is if you want more of both in your life, read Sarah’s McCrum’s book, listen to her audios, attend her seminars, invest in her courses…do whatever it takes to unravel your misconceptions and transform your consciousness about them… and then watch your life change.

Petris Lapis, author, presenter, director

When I sat in that workshop I didn’t feel very good about myself, I was making just enough money to pay for groceries each week but didn’t have much leftover, thought I knew what my life purpose was and spoke about joy but didn’t really understand it. I have read your book about seven times now, highlighting each time and summarising, taking notes and following the suggested activities. I have also purchased and given away another five copies.

Well … the book isn’t just about money is it??? It is about soooo much more. In the eight weeks since I have done your course, I have healed major genetic issues in both my paternal and maternal lines (this was enormous), have released years of abuse and guilt, have felt joy, taken advantage of numerous opportunities the universe has thrown in my path, acted on ideas that have come in, have opened up intuition more fully, know my life purpose and asked to receive at least $4,000 a week for the value I provide … this week was a $5,500 week and I lived it with joy, clarity and serenity.

Thank you from my heart to yours for the improved capacity I now have to make a positive change in the world.

Watch the interview:


Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

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