What is the essence of healing?

What Is The Essence Of Healing

Some of us are called to be healers but healing is not for everyone. Just as some of us are called to be artists or business people or athletes or teachers. These are major life paths that attract us. When we slot into the ‘right’ path we feel we are on track. When we are working in a field that has no connection with our true path we may feel disconnected or off track.

We tend to think of this as a personal decision. It’s all about what career we choose and what direction we take in our life. But we are all connected. We are effectively one humanity, expressing itself through the billions of human beings – as if we are all the cells of the human race. So imagine if our life path is not just about ourselves, but it is our contribution to the whole of humanity. This totally changes our perspective.

For example the healers would not only be here to heal a few individuals, but in healing anyone they would be healing the whole human race. The business people would not be making money for themselves alone, but creating wealth for all of us. The athletes would not be going for gold for their own personal glory, but stimulating the whole species to raise its spirit and uplift its achievement.

You can see this clearly in the business world. Every person who creates a business creates wealth for all his/her employees and suppliers, as well as for the government, through taxation. They also contribute to the abundance of their clients by giving them products and services to enrich their lives. All money is ultimately produced by business and shared throughout the world via businesses, governments and other organisations. So anyone who has a calling to do business serves the entire world in a financial capacity. And any business person who is sick or unable to function is a loss to all of us.

What about healers? If we look at healing in this light, knowing that we are all connected, we will approach our work in a different way. Instead of imagining our role is to find clients who need healing we will understand that whatever healing we do at any time is not only healing individuals. It is healing the whole of humanity. We will also realise that when we are not healing, or not healthy, we are not contributing as much as we could, which is a loss to everyone, not only to ourselves and our clients.

So this is where we need to take responsibility for our health and our own healing, especially those of us who are healers. And of course we also need to take care of our fellow business men and women, athletes, artists and all the other people who make up humanity. If one part is sick that affects all others, and healers are the members of this community whose role is to heal for all others. This puts the onus fairly and squarely on healers’ shoulders to heal themselves as their primary duty.

What a beautiful world. When we are on our true path we naturally serve and support each other, just as the cells in a healthy body. When we lose track and become out of balance there is a team of human beings whose role is to work, primarily on themselves, to create health for all of us, just as our fellow business people create wealth and our fellow artists create beauty for all of us.

I write this as a reminder to healers not to ignore your own need for health and wellbeing. By taking care of yourself you become an example to others. Then whatever you share with your clients, family and friends is shared with integrity. We need a lot of healthy healers in the world at this moment. There is a lot of work to do. Every tiny step you take affects every other human being.

Sarah McCrum runs Heart of Healing, a mentorship for new and established healers.



Photo by Dewang Gupta on Unsplash


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