Are You Ready?

Are You Ready

It’s easy to create desperation. It goes something like this in your head.

“I want more joy in my life. I’ve never experienced much joy. Why didn’t I feel any joy when I was younger? Is there something wrong with me because I don’t experience enough joy? Please God, give me more joy. Please, please, God, all archangels, my guides and every other divine power I could possibly call on, please give me more joy. I really need more joy. I need to do some deep reflection on how to free up the joy in my life. I wonder what processes I can use to bring more joy in my life. Do I need to relax more? Maybe I don’t pray enough. Or perhaps I don’t pray well enough. If I prayed better I’d feel more joy. If I meditated better for sure I’d experience more joy. What do I need to do differently? Please tell me what to do so I can have more joy.”

And then a lot of rather joyless mental and physical activity ensues.

The simple alternative is to know that if there is anything you want to experience more of it is already on the way. As soon as you notice you lack something and would sincerely like to experience more of it the process kicks into gear and delivery commences. If it’s a feeling it’s rather like an internet download. You can get to experience it immediately. If it’s something material it usually takes longer.

It’s a pity that when we’re busy looking for joy in all the directions we think we’ll find it we often miss it in the place where it hangs out all the time.

There’s far too much hard work in being desperate and too many industries that benefit from it.

Relax and trust. It’s on the way. It may even be here  – are you ready?

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