Global transformation feels like this

Contemplating purpose

There’s something I’m noticing a lot these days. People with small voices in their head asking very fundamental questions. What am I actually doing here? Does my life have any meaning? Do I really want to keep living the way I do now? Do I really want to work the way I do now? If not, is there a better way to live and work?

At first sight, these seem like depressed questions, but that’s not my experience. To me, they are real and important questions that deserve quality contemplation.

We’ve talked for many years about transformation of society, a paradigm shift, the new earth and so on. We look forward to the other side when the world is a better place. We didn’t usually think too much about what it takes to get there.

This is what transformation actually feels like. It feels like questions, doubts, loss of your sense of who you are (and have been), being more emotional than usual or life feeling “all over the place”. Another word could be chaos, punctuated with moments of calm, clarity and deep knowing that you are on the right track and everything will be ok.

If this sounds like any part of your life, it’s important to know that this is not a personal crisis, but a collective awakening. You are not alone with your questions and doubts.

I believe that each of us needs to face these deeper questions now with radical honesty. It doesn’t matter how clear you’ve been in the past about who you are and why you’re here. This upgrade in our consciousness is changing our values and how we express them.

I personally feel a longing for a softer, less busy, more expansive way of being. I don’t know exactly how to create that yet, but I know it will come gradually because it calls me strongly. Inside myself, I know the old ways aren’t working well any more but I’m used to a certain way of being. It takes patience and courage to allow the space to change, especially when you have a lot of ongoing responsibilities, but it feels too important to ignore.

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