These are the topics of my new course Gamechangers GO, which started 3 weeks ago. I’m taking part, as a student, and I’ve been surprised each week just how challenging it’s been.
I decided to join in because when I saw the curriculum that my co-founder, Douglas Tsoi, was putting together, partly based on my ideas, I was so fascinated to experience it that I spontaneously said “I’m going to do that myself.”
Little did I realise how much I would need to step up.
I’ve been working on my purpose and teaching people how to access their inner wisdom for many years. But to spend 3 hours every week delving far deeper into it with a small group of incredibly engaged individuals, all willing to show up as gamechangers, is a whole new experience for me.
It’s heart-warming to see how we all jump into each topic with such sincerity, honesty and enthusiasm, as we explore who we really are, what we want to share with the world and how we can find integrity with our human weaknesses as well as our strengths.
Several of us are at our busiest time in the entire year, work-wise, and yet it was so important for us to work on our wisdom, purpose and integrity, that we decided to go the extra mile, give up our free-time and sleep and make it happen.
Last week I had to write about my personal Hero’s Journey. I’ve written many personal biographies over my time, but this one was different. I wanted to tell the back story for the next stage of my life. I had to dig so hard I must have written every sentence at least 5 times. There was no flow whatsoever and it took several hours. It wasn’t a story I’d ever seen so clearly before, but I’m glad I did it. It’s giving me a new level of confidence about my direction, possibly for 30 years into the future, and sharing it with other people gives it a life of its own.
This week I’ve been challenged to look at my integrity. To what extent am I living my purpose? What do I do with the gap between my purpose and my action? How can I close that gap?
It feels to me like these are some of the most important questions of our time. I want to find answers that will guide me and I know that means I need to spend time, reflect and be willing to go deeper than I have in the past. I can feel resistance to that, but I know it’s worth overcoming the resistance. My life feels more fulfilling after only 3 weeks of this, so I’m curious to see what comes next.