What Stands In The Way of Good People Being Successful?

What Stands In The Way Of Good People Being Successful Wp

If you’re purpose-centred and committed to doing good in your work, it’s very likely that you have some strangely dysfunctional beliefs and patterns around money that directly prevent you from being more successful.

This is a pity because it would be good for all of us if more good people were more successful.

If you stand for something that is valuable to life and you are willing to commit time, energy, knowledge, money and resources to making the world a better place, please read the list below slowly. Ask yourself if you resonate with each statement. Some will be stronger than others.

If you can take some time to explore this more deeply, sense the energy of each statement. Notice how it makes you feel and what effect it has on you.

These are the major reasons why good people limit their success.

These comments came from a live session with participants in The Leading Edge, which is a 12 month advanced program, and some special guests.

I need to suffer to succeed.

No pain, no gain.

Push through the pain.

I’m selling out.

Be grateful for what you have.

Fear of making public mistakes.

Being seen.

Don’t ask for more.

Who do you think you are?

Don’t be selfish.


Feeling I’m not being received.

Asking for so much is greedy and disrespectful.

I’m too old to make a difference at this point.

Manifesting as a miracle — triumphing over adversity – is much more exciting than just being well-resourced.

You have plenty; there are others with so much more need; it’s selfish to ask for more than you already have.

Addiction to drama.

If I Focus on Money, then I will lose Connection with heart and spirit.

I need to suffer to earn the right to have more.

I’m too young and inexperienced.

Lone wolf belief.

I don’t need that much…..

Love and $ don’t mix.

Not finding translation in this world.

It’s dangerous to be successful – something bad will happen to you or your loved ones.


Spirituality excludes money and wanting money.

Fear of hurting others.


People like us don’t have money like that.

Not allowed to have more than I need.

I would have to justify great wealth.

Fear of my own power and the responsibility that comes with that.

Asking for money for experience and knowledge combined with being young requires more time.

Fear of power becoming corrupt.

Being emotionally attached to money.


Stay small.

Too hard and too much.

I can’t have it all – money and a loving relationship and family doesn’t work. It’s one or the other.

Fear of putting energy into the ‘wrong’ initiatives.

My suffering is special, it makes me unique.

Feeling as if I’m an imposter.

Just owning my skills and knowledge that others want and need.

Pride is one of the deadly sins – be humble, honest, helpful, work hard, honour authority figures and your seniors.

I have to choose this or that only.

I’m not yet enough to do this and not yet ready.

Not valuing myself or not deserving, not enough.

People will laugh at you or roll their eyes when you go for your dream – there she goes with her crazy ideas!

Never good enough.

Blending humility with power.

I already have so much and it’s so entitled to want more.

My family will disown me.

Imposter syndrome.

It’s bad for the environment.

An easeful approach is lazy and cannot be truly profitable.

Not enough, inexperienced, too small to do a big initiative.

I can’t be a good mother and do something big at the same time.

I don’t connect myself with being a rich person.

Work and pleasure cannot co-exist. It’s one or the other.

People don’t have money for this work.

Doubting my belief.

I’ll have to work even harder if I do something really meaningful, it will get on top of me.

I am not allowing me to need too much.

I’m satisfied and don’t really need any more.

I’m so lucky and fortunate already.

Become so focused that I become imbalanced, giving up what brings me joy.

I’m not important. Doing my best is expected but don’t expect recognition.

If I focus on the money, I’ll lose my gifts.

Blending taking myself seriously and humility.

I don’t really believe that I can fulfill all my wishes.

I have to work harder to earn more money, do I have the energy?

What will I do with all that money?

Stay in a safe place – you will get hurt otherwise.

I’m not smart enough to manage a lot of money.

I’m comfortable being uncomfortable.

I can do it differently (I don´t need money): I´m so special.

My desires are fantasies.

Rich people are the problem in the world.

Can I really be that big?

Risk of prosecution.

More money means more work…

More money, more problems.

More money makes me more visible–a target–people will misunderstand/judge me.

Not daring to go for what I would really like to do.

If I ask for too much money then people won’t like me or want to work with me and they’ll talk about me behind my back.

If I ask for enough money, I will inflict TRAUMA on my vulnerable clients.

I won’t have the skills to put things into place.

Look what I can do on a shoe-string!

Needing and wanting money is dirty.

Be happy with what you have and don’t be greedy.

When I have money something happens to take it away.

People will dislike me if I have a lot.

I always have just enough but never heaps.

Happiness and fulfillment are nothing to do with money.

When I get what I want I will finally do what I want.

Letting people down because of a sense of obligation to them.

Be grateful for what you have and don’t expect any more ‘cos there’re so many people who have just about nothing.

Reading this list and recognising your unhelpful patterns is a first step in releasing them. They have often been learned over years of struggle, contradiction and misunderstanding about money, so be gentle and kind with yourself. They will start to let go of themselves.

If you want to shift your relationship with money so you can become more successful in your good work, please book a Discovery Call to discuss whether our program, Thank You Money, would be beneficial to you.

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