It doesn’t matter if it’s physical, emotional, your relationship or your business that needs healing, it can take enormous patience to go all the way to full health. So many people give up on the way because they miss the little signs that indicate improvement.
It’s like the first flowers in spring that inevitably lead to longer, warmer days. They never make a mistake, even if there’s snow, fog and it’s freezing cold outside right now.
We tend to expect healing to be a momentous occasion, surrounded by epiphanies and magic, but often it’s a slow, boring process of gradually getting better and better.
Even if you see a healer, and have an amazing experience, so often the very next day you can be feeling terrible again. This is normal – but so disappointing.
So it’s important to notice the little signs of change.
The first time you feel a little less pain, even if it gets worse again later. A conversation you have with your partner where you smile at each other briefly, when there’ve been no smiles in recent months. It doesn’t matter if you fight again 10 minutes later. That smile was a little sign. The fact that you can have a few minutes of enjoyment during a period of depression, or some cash comes in unexpectedly when the business is in trouble.
When you pay more attention to those little positive signs than to the enormous, overwhelming struggle you’re going through, they start to grow. You have more of them – along with more setbacks – and you gain hope. Maybe you go through a period where things start to be better, and then everything crashes again. But you’ve seen the signs.
As a healer at heart, whether I’m working with a business ,a relationship or a sick person, I watch for little signs like crazy. They tell me more about a person’s future state of health than any amount of pain and struggle.
I’m often the first person to tell someone they’re smiling after weeks of unhappiness. So often they don’t even realise it for themselves. I’m delighted when I observe the tiniest shift – something most people would never notice or find significant.
I know what that shift means, and I know that healing is inevitable, once those little signs are showing up. They are what miracles are made out of.