There is an opening for us to alter our direction towards liberation. It’s simpler than you think and it’s now and for awhile to come.
These openings occur from time to time, where certain energies and formations of life are more available to us. If we receive them and accept them, they are activated within our own being and grow slowly into our reality.
Much of the time we’re not aware of what’s going on but we feel disturbed, anxious or out of sorts for no obvious reason. There’s simply something new happening.
There is a shift going on in our relationship with money which will affect our future. A new order is possible which brings harmony to the way we act around money. Many people will mistake this shift for something wrong. They may become very reactive and upset around money. They may try to use it to regain a sense of control in their life.
When this is played out at the national and international level, it erupts into conflict, manipulation of the public narrative and abuse of the power that comes with money. It’s important to recognise what’s going on. It’s the equivalent at times of a two-year-old’s tantrum or a teenage freak out.
If you understand what’s going on there’s no need to revert to childish behaviour. It’s better to recognise the signs of this kind of opening. You may notice:
- Lots of thoughts about the future
- The feeling of special opportunity
- A sense of your own potential
- Wondering what’s really possible
- You or people around you feeling tired or exhausted
- Needing to sleep at random times
- General sense of it heaviness
- Inner unease
This is a time to be very steady and to notice where unexpected opportunities show up. Shortcuts may appear that are so huge, you can barely recognise them. A few simple, right steps can save you years of slow, ordinary steps.
It’s time to be relaxed, awake and alert. Ready to act in the key moment, because you’re not overwhelmed by too much to do.
A lightness of heart and a sense of anticipation and wonder around what’s becoming possible opens you to experience the beautiful energy that is being showered on us. Like the codes at the beginning of The Matrix, but so fine and beautiful, they’re almost unrecognisable to the human mind.
This is new stuff. We haven’t known it before. It’s our opportunity to step more quickly into a world we love to live in.