How I got here
My work with money started in 2010 when I found myself spontaneously writing a message from Money in my notebook. The first thing it said was, “I would like to tell you to love me.” It continued by saying: “I am an energy. I am very powerful and beautiful. I am an incredible web of connections…I am not the devil. I never have been…I connect human beings with each other.”
This writing became the first chapter of my book, Love Money, Money Loves You. It gave me precise instructions on how to heal my relationship with Money and how to run a business on the principles of love, abundance, generosity and nature.
My approach is unconventional, and I’m best known for being relaxed, practical and grounded around a topic that causes most people stress, fear and worry, whatever their level of financial capacity.

Teacher & Coach
I’ve spent 23 years teaching and coaching business owners and their families to solve the gritty, human problems that prevent them from finding fulfilment in their business and their life.
I’m author of Love Money, Money Loves You and Energy on Demand: Master Your Personal Energy and Never Burn Out. I write a weekly article and you can find more than 200 of these on my blog.
Business Owner
In 2000, long before mindfulness came into fashion, I founded The Energy Bank in London. It was an ultra-cool, Feng Shui’d training centre, used by some of the world’s best known companies to relax and energise their leaders and run exclusive events.
Now I’m co-Originator of LOVE TO and founder of Liberate Humanity. Both these businesses are examples of the principles of my book, Love Money, Money Loves You.
Energy Master
After 22 years training with Chinese Energy Masters I developed an ability to help people transform their energy, create exceptional outcomes in very challenging situations and find inner peace where there would otherwise be extreme stress.

Radio Reporter

I graduated from Cambridge University.and studied music at the Mozarteum, Salzburg. Later in life my education became less conventional, including Seth Godin’s altMBA and the Key Person of Influence program. I’m also supported by a team of much appreciated mentors.

The Future
What People Say
CFO of three companies
Dave Smith
President, Highlands Geoscience
Gail Spence
William Souza
Marketing Expert
Paul Dunn
Chairman, B1G1
Marci Shimoff
#1 NY Times bestselling author
Leslie Lawton
Susan Shaner
Founder, Sage Leadership Strategies