Is It True?

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Those thoughts you frequently have about yourself. Are they true?

That doubt about whether you can achieve your personal dream. Is it true?

That nagging voice that says there’s something wrong with you. Is it true? 

That story that’s running in the media at the moment. Is it true? Does it make sense? Is it coherent? Is it really coherent?

That glimpse you have of freedom – a liberated soul. Is that true?

That sense you have of your own inner beauty. Is that true?

That light you experience from time to time about life. Is that true?

Those rules you feel you must comply with. Are they coherent? Do they make sense?

Those conventions and habits that you follow without ever thinking about them. Do they work? Are they valuable?

Those beliefs you have about who you are and how life works. Are they true? Do they make sense? Do they work for you?

And what about money? Do your thoughts and feelings about money work well for you? Are they true? Do they expand your spirit?

These are liberating questions. They’re not for ignoring.


Photo by Hannah Jacobson on Unsplash

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