Out of a Pothole and Into a Mission

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The real story of Daniel Levin

I had lived as a monk in a monastery for 10 years and later led the growth of a company from 3 million to 100 million a year in sales. I had written a book called The Mosaic and I was living out one of the stories. I had driven life into a pothole and I could not get myself out. I started to believe that my life was no longer about the beautiful road that I had once traveled or the magnificent road that lay in front of me, but rather only the pothole that I was stuck in. 

The pothole had become my reality. The more I tried to get out, the deeper I dug myself in. I was at a loss, and the beautiful life that I had known was now nowhere to be found. I was no longer working, my finances were rapidly decreasing, my involvement in life was dissipating and my desire to be here was dissolving. I had about 6 months of savings left and no idea where new income would come from. 

When I met Sarah McCrum, she saw me. After a conversation together she suggested I take her 30 Day Energy Challenge Course. While listening daily (sometimes 2x a day) to her activations I noticed something inside me was changing. I was starting to LET GO of things I had been holding onto and I allowed myself to feel a “fresh new energy” enter me. 

This new energy re-energized me with the mission of The Mosaic. I started to redefine my relationship with money (still in process) and asked money as a lover would ask his beloved to participate with me in my life and help me in finding a way to do the things we needed to do.

I set May 1, 2020 as the date to begin my journey to listen to and film the voices of the voiceless. To make this journey happen I put out one Facebook post and 45 people responded saying they would love to host me in one way or another. 

I am now in the process of creating a crowdfunding page so that I can allow others to participate in the grace and blessing of this journey. I had a friend of mine introduce me to her manager and she asked him to help me speak in New Thought churches around the country.

I wrote a proposal to the train company, and am writing now to a hotel chain and a car dealership and a coffee shop to see if they want to work together to bring a message of listening to the world. I am also writing a proposal for filmmakers, and another one for individuals to feel connected.

I raised my price for working with people and people started to call me up and ask if they could work with me. People signed up and have gotten incredible benefit from the work we have done together.

A few weeks ago I started Sarah’s new program, Thank You Money. I love the Thank You Money program. Everything about it resonates with me and so for me it feels like a re-introduction of myself to myself. Everything about it, but especially the activations, align me back to what I believe, and in this alignment amazing things are happening.

Money is coming in, opportunities are becoming more available but as great as those things are, to me, the most beautiful part of the course is I have found myself again. I feel I’m in love with life again and grateful for everyone and everything that is happening. And yes even for the dreaded gap, that moment between the ask and the receive in which I watch myself question myself. 

I am happy again and I know there will be challenges but I also know I now have my tool belt back on and the tools I need to do whatever it takes to deal with it.

I am thankful for every single thing that comes to me, little or big and I share my appreciation and gratitude with my new friend money.  THANK YOU MONEY. 

Daniel Bruce Levin


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