Do you have a voice in your head that pushes you relentlessly to do more, be more and give more. However hard you work, however much you learn about yourself and however much you show up for your family and friends, it's still asking you for more.
It's a voice that pushes you to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others, and even though you know what you're doing to yourself, it feels impossible to stop.
I know that voice very well. It's the one that says that I also need to take good care of my wellbeing, and then it gives me a list of activities that MUST be done every day.
The trouble is that whatever I do, according to the voice, is not enough. In fact, it's never going to be enough. It makes me feel that I don't eat well enough, don't exercise the right way, don't meditate properly, don't dress appropriately, don't work hard enough and I'm not as happy or as joyful as I should be.
It even gets in the way of being fully present with other people. It makes me feel separate and disconnected. They can feel it, and I know they can feel it, but when the voice is loud, it's impossible to relax and fully be myself.
If you're familiar with this story, I'd like to introduce you to the Source Codes of Wellbeing.
I was searching for a new level of personal vitality and inner happiness when I discovered a way to tap directly into the deep ground of wellbeing inside me. It was so remarkable that I started sharing it with other people and it had the same effect for them.
That is the basis of my course, WELLBEING: The Source Code. A simple, deep, beautiful way to experience the wellbeing that resides within you always.
It will change the story of your life for ever.
Sarah McCrum
Creator of Wellbeing: The Source Code
This is the home base for the entire gathering. You will meet each other here, join live sessions, listen to activations, access your course materials and share your stories.
It is literally a place to come to the Well of Being to be replenished and rejuvenated, ready for your next life adventure.
We will take one Source Code of WELLBEING each week and install it energetically in your system. The group experience makes this much easier than doing it alone. Sharing your stories and connecting with each enhances and strengthens your connection with the codes, and also with each other.
We will take one Source Code of WELLBEING each week and install it energetically in your system. The group experience makes this much easier than doing it alone. Sharing your stories and connecting with each will enhance and strengthen your connection with the codes, and also with each other.
16 x live audio sessions, also available as recordings.
Learn the signature energy of each of the source codes of WELLBEING, so they initiate and activate your true wellbeing, wealth, love of life, energy and creativity.
8 x 60 minute live group sessions in your time zone.
Sarah will guide you to experience true wellbeing that is shared with the entire group. She will show you how to access this for yourself whenever you want to, so it becomes your go-to place for daily living, solving problems and improving your quality of life.
Everything is recorded and stored in case you miss it or want to keep it for later.
8 x 60 minute sessions (available in all timezones)
Share your experiences of your new wellbeing and discover the power of your stories to activate group wellbeing, which is remarkable, beautiful and delicious.
Lyerka Miller
Pollyanna Darling
Joy Cameron